Most disappointing e3 I can remember.

The console info and videos were terribly underwhelming apart from Killzone 2 (*sigh* only if that was in-game) and UT2K7's scripted cinematic. A video from BF2 wouldn't really impress me at this point because we've already seen tons of footage from it...nothing more to learn. I was hoping for more in-depth looks at games coming out for new consoles.

I'm also just happy that MGS4 has Hideo behind it and Solid Snake as the main char.

EDIT: The techdemo of FFVII's intro would've been cool if the game existed. They just had to taunt us with it...
Warbie said:
Damn straight :)

On a side note, I just looked at the new Zelda trailer for the nth time and cannot stop smiling. Haven't been this excited about a video game in years.

I love that trailer. The strange monster girl (parallel to the princess?) looks strangely enticing. Like you can't figure out whether she's good or bad... or whether she's a she at all. the townspeaople look great too. And the fighting... oohh!

And what's this about Final Fantasy 7? I'm playing the game through for the 5th time as we speak, so you can tell I'm excited!

*edit* If that wasn't just a technology demo I'd me crying with joy right now.
personally I didn't expect to find something as interesting as HL2. I think games will need a year or two to catch up, like it did with HL1. we're still feeling the after-vibrations of hl2 I guess. another era of gaming has started and needs a bit of time to build up.
1. f.e.a.r.
2. prey
3. next gen technology -> xbox 360, ps3, unreal 3 engine
4. quake 4

1. where the hell was s.t.a.l.k.e.r. ?

more positive than negative. all the focus on the new consoles didn`t come as a surprise.
special-ed said:
Vice President of Sony confirmed it, it's real.. deal with it.


Developers have admitted that it isn't. Epic had pretty much corraborated that. Until I see somebody actually playing it, I call bullshit.
1. N/A

1. No new announcement from Blizzard.

That is all.
cadaver said:
1. f.e.a.r.
2. prey
3. next gen technology -> xbox 360, ps3, unreal 3 engine
4. quake 4

1. where the hell was s.t.a.l.k.e.r. ?

more positive than negative. all the focus on the new consoles didn`t come as a surprise.

Stalker isnt that good of a game, but it runs quite nicely on my crap computer.
Chav said:
Stalker isnt that good of a game, but it runs quite nicely on my crap computer.

so what the hell are you talking about?
cadaver said:
so what the hell are you talking about?

I'm talking about stalker, but going further in what I just said would be against the forum rules so thats all.
cadaver said:
1. f.e.a.r.
2. prey
3. next gen technology -> xbox 360, ps3, unreal 3 engine
4. quake 4

1. where the hell was s.t.a.l.k.e.r. ?

more positive than negative. all the focus on the new consoles didn`t come as a surprise.
exactly i heard nothing of stalker, maybe its coz the pczone vid was the e3 1 and we've all seen it, its coming out 2006 so next e3 probably will be when they start their major promotion.
He's probably played the old and crap build which is very far away from complete and gives absolutely no indictation of how the finished product will run :)

I hope Stalker turns out to be good, but so far the developers are completely unproven - so it could basically be anything from awful to great. Only time will tell.
Chav said:
I'm talking about stalker, but going further in what I just said would be against the forum rules so thats all.

then I asume your judgement of s.t.a.l.k.e.r. is based upon "playing" the old alpha build 1096 leak. if so, the leaks is probably not very representable for the final product.
mortiz said:
Yes, I agree. The consoles were shown off but there was nothing to really get me hyped up about. (though I'm still eagerly awaiting more UE3/UT2007 footage)

Maybe it's just that we're missing a Half-Life 2 E3 appearance.

I would be satisfied with Duke Nukem Forever at this E3. Besides at least I got to look at Prey, not to mention Alan Wake which looks good.

I do know what you mean, the E3 show was "rather an Anti-Climax after what you just survived" (sorry had to quote that) :thumbs:
Disappointing? No. Perhaps you let the hype get to you. The show was amazing as was the games featured at the booths. There was plenty to satisfy my gamer appetite. :)
PvtRyan said:
PS3: Showed nothing really in the end and you can't even trust your own eyes because you don't know whether it's a pre-rendered marketing scam, or real footage. Awful design and horrible controller.

There was alot of ingame videos of the ps3 stuff. And how you say the controller is bad when you have yet to hold it...

edit: special-ed, the ffvii video was just a tech demo, its not a full remake of the game. Sony said in the ps3 con that there are no plans on remaking ffvii. They just had to be shitheads to remake abit to get us to all drool.
Sony execs have lied before (emotion engine?) and will again....killzone 1 devs made a crappy game, now they have an engine better than UE3, with no fanfare, or hype puhhhlease.