Most embarrassing forum moment?


Mar 9, 2004
Reaction score
Okay, well this should be fun :)

Whats your Most embarrassing forum moment?


I joined this forum like 8 years ago.....and i was REALLY stupid, i thought to become a moderater you had to post a lot, so i posted 1 thing in EVERY forum, my name was always on every i feel so retarded...
8 years? wow, had no idea HL2, or, HL for that matter, even existed!

lol anyway, I don't remember any embarrassing moments.. I blocked them out of my memory :)
wait...i said that wrong rofl

i didnt join this forum..i have no idea why i said 'this' i joined a forum that sold game im a retard :flame:
Shuzer said:
8 years? wow, had no idea HL2, or, HL for that matter, even existed!

that's cause it didnt dummy!
uhm, telling people that my mom called me a n3wb and having it haunt me to this day :p
CyberSh33p said:
uhm, telling people that my mom called me a n3wb and having it haunt me to this day :p

Dude, that rocked.
ComradeBadger said:
My infamous drunk post :E


Damn, I must have missed that one. I can't really think of any embarresing moments.... :angel:
I've had a banning mishap or two, but to tell you the full details would require me to kill you beforehand :hmph:
I accidenly said I was leaving when I really wasn't. I had to make Fenric delete that thread. :eek:
I don't recall that. :( Wait didn't someone call me that? That's what I hate about being named Ray. People call you gay.
EDIT: Or when I called you Badgy that one(or two) time/s.
ray_MAN said:
I don't recall that. :( Wait didn't someone call me that? That's what I hate about being named Ray. People call you gay.
EDIT: Or when I called you Badgy that one(or two) time/s.

don't worry about it. there's a customer at work who's surname is Gay. his first name is Ian, middle name Raymond. work out how we write his name on letters...
Ghost Val (Former mod who i can't spell.....)completely and uterly flameing me. That was embarising. But I liked the guy from his previous posts so i defended him.....

We both had strong views about a certain subject....

Anyway, the other was when I saw badger had lost his mod status and made a thread about it. I then later realised that most mods had lost their status and was embarised because I had made the thread about just the one mod.
It wasn't favouritism honestly. Your all great!!! :upstare:
I dunno, actually.. I always do the embarassing stuff in IRC.
Dedalus said:
don't worry about it. there's a customer at work who's surname is Gay. his first name is Ian, middle name Raymond. work out how we write his name on letters...
Lol that hilarious.

Anyway, when i was 9 i wrote a post about how I was going to take over the world. Got a 2 month ban :flame:
marksmanHL2 :) said:
was embarised because I had made the thread about just the one mod.
It wasn't favouritism honestly. Your all great!!! :upstare:

thats the correct attitude to be having :p
Heheh, it was kinda funny, I was really really confused at the time. I didn't know what was going on at all. And all you lot were saying nothing at all and making us all more curious lol :rolling:
marksmanHL2 :) said:
Heheh, it was kinda funny, I was really really confused at the time. I didn't know what was going on at all. And all you lot were saying nothing at all and making us all more curious lol :rolling:

I tell you, that was a really fun time... oooh yeah.
Not strictly forum, but this one at band camp...

It was in IRC and some body posted a link to what appeared to be a counter-strike .avi. I opened it and it then proceeded to give somebody access to parts of my IRC settings where they found my auth details. Later on once they had my auth details they signed on to IRC, they were autmatically made an op because they were authed as me and then they proceeded to try and take over the channel. Kicking the proper operators.

Needless to say, that's why I'm no longer an op in the IRC channel and I have the nickname Chris "Safe as houses" D
See also

Chris 'warez monkey' D
Chris 'hackproof' D
Chris 'bloody stupid lack of firewall' D
Chris 'l33t' D

Just messing mate :)
My ever famous blind rage post that got me kicked from the Staff Team and started that hot debate.
I suppose that time i told everyone that quite literally wet myself laughing at something on this forum...

...wait...I never said that!

I cant think of anything right now, im sure someone knows.
Speaking of that guy...

The time I got banend from the thread about ki... :eek:
I was worried that intellectual osmosis would occur, and I'd turn up the next day believing in totally nonsensical things, ignoring plain facts, and dismissing anyone else's point of view as an untruth...

[EDIT] Letters, is that banned as in:

Siddartha: Okay, that's it Letters, you are banned from this thread.
And the prose writing?

"Okay, that's it
Letters, you
are banned from
this thread."
And the prose writing?

"Okay, that's it
Letters, you
are banned from
this thread."

/me thinks me means letters u r ban00red for teh 1337 th3433!!111 or however u say it, crazy 1337ists.

Anyhow to the point, im perfect therefore i never do anything embarresing. From what i can remember. Of course ive said random stuff that makes no sense but thats normal for me.