Most overrated games

Originally posted by ductonius
Rise of Nations = Age of Empires with a world-map tacked on as an afterthought. Stupid tech system designed so nobody can get an advantage by being years ahead of their rivals. Whats the point of having tech if you're not going to let people get past thier competitors? The game concept was probably good, but it had a BAAAAAAD execution. Baulders Gate. What the hell was with the expierence system? Alright, I've exported and imported my mage character a dozen times to get almost past level 1. And, ALRIGHT, he leveled up!!! Hey, what the? He can cast only ONE more spell?
And the magic system totally blew. The mage "memorizes" spells overnight and then forgets them as soon as they are cast? Who thought up that turd?
Just generally frustrating.

Everyone is entitled to thier own opinion, but These seem like you jsut were frustrated by either not being good, or not having patience.

And for Baulder's Gate, guess you don't like AD&D

Halo overrated? I guess none have you have played 16 player bloof gulch CTF in a small room with all of your friends, lots of food and drinks.

That is the pinicale of multiplayer gaming. It doesn't get any better than that.
Originally posted by Bass
What games in your opinion are/were vastly overrated?

Id have to say Halo, Diablo 2, and Battlefield 1942 personally

Edit: this is simply opinions and not meant for flame wars

Well, I haven't played Diablo 2 or Battlefield 1942, so I can't saything about those two...but Halo was cool... The physics were a little....unrealistic (but funny).:cheers:
THE SIMS SUCKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

but i liked halo, ill get it when it comes out.
Halo.... I honestly liked this game quite a bit. The combat was fun, it had a good story. The only things that really grated on me were a couple repetitive environments that were easy to get lost in, and the lack of different enemies. I never thought it was revolutionary, but I enjoyed it. I have MOH:AA as well. I think the Omaha mission was the true selling point of the game. At least, that's why I bought it. Outside of that I honestly liked DOD with my spr sound pack better. But hopefully Call Of Duty will succeed where MOH failed to impress.
Ive never palyed Halo. I was all set for buying it when it was due to be released on the PC. Then Microsoft came and bloody nabbed it :x

It better come out this time !

Diablo II ah how I love yoooouuuu. Nothing beats a bit of addictive Hack and Slash.

Black and White. Hated it, got it when it was released and Ive played it about twice and got fed up with it eachtime.
Halo was one of the best game. It wasnt overrated. the GTA line is overrated.
I loved Diablo, played it for atleast a couple of years. When Diablo II came out I was impressed, but somehow you get bored of it alot quicker. I have come back to it several times, created another character, got him/her to level 40 and got bored of it again :p

Halo I've only played once in 2 player co-op, must say is was damn fun, makes for some very stylish FPS action, but I can see that it wouldn't have toooo much to come back to.

Deus Ex was overatted. It was an awesome game, don't get me wrong, but best game ever? 98%???? Me not think so, the action was slow and the experience/nanotech system wasn't that great.
I still can't believe noones mentioned Counter Strike yet

and I dun believe Halo's overrated, just like other ppl said, try playing it with friends. And it wasn't that much "hyped" when it came out (since it lost alot of hype when moving to the box). Its fame actually came when the game came out.
Cs was fun in the early stages, havent played it now in about 2 years
Originally posted by Bad^Hat
Deus Ex was overatted. It was an awesome game, don't get me wrong, but best game ever? 98%?
Bloody hell, what magazines are you reading that gives out percentages like ritalin? UK PC Gamer gave it 94/95% I think and that's fair enough. HL1 got 96%. Anything past that mark just seems excessive...
DoD is not free you need to buy a game HL to play it.

99% of people that buy HL never played its single player probably.

How about a thread... what games turned out better then you expected!
Originally posted by Anwar
99% of people that buy HL never played its single player probably.
I'd bet my entire family into slavery that what you just said is a load of boll*cks.
Anyways, its true theres a vast mount of ppl who havn't played HL's single player (just buying it for mods like CS, DoD, or NS), but I highly doubt 99%.
Well I can tell you when I bought it in November 1998 when it was released, it wasnt for multiplayer, heck, the MP community was non existent for this game at the time, it was all about the SP experience. That for me is the best part, and the part Im looking forward to the most in HL2. Sure the mods will rock and all, but my best memory will be playing through the SP the first time.
BF1942 rocks. It's the only thing letting me hold on until HL2 comes out.

Overrated games?

1. Unreal, Unreal Tournament, Unreal Tournamen 2k3(Bland deathmatch is SO 1998)
2. Warcraft3 (I bought this game and played it for 2 days. Never touched it since)

I think Half-Life is somewhat overrated. It's a good game, and its strong point is its single player, but for me that got very repetitive towards the end. Half-Life's multiplayer was nothing new. The mods are what made Half-Life (at least that's why most people still play it).
state of emergency

there was so much hype because it was the next game from rockstar, but in th end, it was pretty crap
Originally posted by eyesore
halo is not overrated you ps2 fanboys, it owns you.

I dont own a PS2 nor am I a "PS2 fanboy" that only console I own is X-Box, and my opinion is that the game is overrated. Big deal, Im allowed my opinion. You come off like a Halo fanboy saying shit like that.
"BF1942 rocks. It's the only thing letting me hold on until HL2 comes out.

Overrated games?

1. Unreal, Unreal Tournament, Unreal Tournamen 2k3(Bland deathmatch is SO 1998)
2. Warcraft3 (I bought this game and played it for 2 days. Never touched it since)


I don't think the first Unreal was overrated in any way. The graphics were gorgeous, the weapons had their own unique feel, the monster were cool and their a.i. was good, and the different space worlds were sweeeeeeeeeet. I liked Half-Life better, but Unreal sp is definitely up there.
BF1942 sucks but its mod desert combat rocks and eve of destruction is ok, its another mod for bf, but the msot overrated game i can remember would efinately have to be perfect dark without a doubt that game was a huge disapointment
Originally posted by Sgt. Nate
"BF1942 rocks. It's the only thing letting me hold on until HL2 comes out.

Overrated games?

1. Unreal, Unreal Tournament, Unreal Tournamen 2k3(Bland deathmatch is SO 1998)
2. Warcraft3 (I bought this game and played it for 2 days. Never touched it since)


I don't think the first Unreal was overrated in any way. The graphics were gorgeous, the weapons had their own unique feel, the monster were cool and their a.i. was good, and the different space worlds were sweeeeeeeeeet. I liked Half-Life better, but Unreal sp is definitely up there.

The only thing I remember about the original Unreal was that it had the worst out-of-the-box net code ever
Ok, then. BF1942 is one of the best round-based online games in existence, as is UT2k3 (it mixes UT1's variety and tactical depth with the slickness of Q3). The Sims and it's FIRST expansion pack is pretty good, and the others were all crap and are not overrated because they recieved a critical pounding. Halo is a good game but probably overrated since X-box owners wanted so bad to have a killer app. (just my opinion). And Warcraft 3? Overrated? Mad.

Oh, and please, say WHY games are overrated, so people can at least understand, if not wholely agree with your views.