Most pretentious song you've ever heard?

May 15, 2003
Reaction score
So far for me it's

Kind Robot - Did You Know from their new EP.

Good god it's just pretentious bollocks. Rest of The Fragapelle EP isn't much better.
Most of the stuff by Mars Volta tend to veer into that terroritory. Although most of the songs start out very good, it all goes downhill when they start adding 5 minutes of birds chirping and shit at the end of songs
Sparta said:
Most of the stuff by Mars Volta tend to veer into that terroritory. Although most of the songs start out very good, it all goes downhill when they start adding 5 minutes of birds chirping and shit at the end of songs

I really hate when any band does something like that. A random example would be the song "Fight" by Motograter. I love the song, but roughly half of the song is just random loud noise, and it bugs the crap out of me.
holy crap I completely agree with that Mars Volta assessment! wow, right on man :cheers:
Linkin Park - Crawling
Evanescence - Bring me to life

Also, just point anywhere on a list of NIN songs.
Kmack said:
holy crap I completely agree with that Mars Volta assessment! wow, right on man :cheers:

I think several people voted their new CD for the "Most Pretentious Album of the Year" award.
Sparta said:
Most of the stuff by Mars Volta tend to veer into that terroritory. Although most of the songs start out very good, it all goes downhill when they start adding 5 minutes of birds chirping and shit at the end of songs
I thoroughly agree with you on this in regards to their latest album--all of a sudden these guys think they can fly up to the sun, but imho, with this latest pretentious piece of work(mind you with the ocassional bit of greatness thrown in), they have flown too close to the sun and their overblown egos have melted their wings. Let's hope their next release is a little more grounded :)

That said, I completely disagree in regards to their first full-length, De-Loused in the Comatorium. That was an amazingly intricate, vibrant, creative, and tight album that had almost no wasted space/time. The songs all flow together brilliantly and are a pleasure to listen to. When I first heard it I was completely blown away. It still sits atop my list of most important albums of the last 15 years or so, sharing the top spot with The Shape of Punk to Come by Refused. Another amazing masterwork. Few albums demonstrate the artistic and creative and open-minded sensibilities that these two do.
De-Loused is one of the best albums my ears have been subjected too. :D Frances the Mute was alright, I liked the story in it alot, once I got around to reading the lyrics more and understanding it, but I still thought it was a good listen. But yeah, its a shame alot of the songs on it are pretty much ''start: good five minutes of music - middle: 6 minutes of 'atmospheric noise' - end: wait, what? Its the next track? Where am I?''

EDIT: Grud, I can't wait to see them next month. :DDDDDD
They don't really claim or create an appearance of importance or distinction imo.
While I'd argue that Coldplay are at least more than that, I think the idea is for the band to pretentious itself, not the fans.

And hasn't CKY said on a number of occasions something along the lines of how they're one of the last original bands still out there? :D
KISS are the most pretentious band I know, easily. They're not even what I'd call good.

Especially Gene Simmons, he's super-arrogant.
the bullshit gene simmons is now doing with those kids on tv...makin them into a band or some shit like that to support motorhead...lame
Nothing wrong with pretentious songs; just when they're bad songs. ;)

Regardless, I'd vote either November Rain by Guns N Roses (which is shit) or Tonight, Tonight by Smashing Pumpkins (which is good). I wouldn't say Mars Volta are pretenious however; they seem incredibly passionate about their music, and have that sort of honesty a lot of pretentious musicians tend to lack. Their music doesn't seem so full of itself in comparison to Billy Corgan or Axl Rose, since Mars Volta have the talent and unique voice to backup their experimental nature (they also don't have the tendancy to pimp themselves at every given opportunity, unlike some of their peers; they're suprisingly modest).

Besides, Frances The Mute pwns your ass. :O
Anything by Radiohead, for me.

I don't like Guns N Roses or Kiss at all, but to call any of their material pretentious seems a bit weird to me. They don't seem to make any secret of their stuff being cheesy, rock-out-with-your-cock-out type stuff.
Laivasse said:
Anything by Radiohead, for me.

Please tell me that's a good thing though...Some of their stuff is a little out there, but they're by far the most amazing band in the world.
Any band that tries really hard to be meaningful but comes out as crap (like almost every new rock band...which is not rock anymore)
How about that song that goes like "Don;t you wish your girlfriend was more like me"?
I've only heard it through the door of my very gay, very annoying roommate, who likes to BLAST that kind of music all day long and into the night. Even by pop standards that song is awful, it sounds like they're singing off key? The girls in that stupid group are't even anything special, I saw a big poster downtown the other day
IonizeMyAtoms said:
How about that song that goes like "Don;t you wish your girlfriend was more like me"?
I've only heard it through the door of my very gay, very annoying roommate, who likes to BLAST that kind of music all day long and into the night. Even by pop standards that song is awful, it sounds like they're singing off key? The girls in that stupid group are't even anything special, I saw a big poster downtown the other day
Pussycat Dolls - Don't Cha

It's kind of sad when a music video for a song isn't worth enduring to look at whomever's performing.

Except for the lead singer. She's alright.
the song "Unititled" by A Simple Plan...the one that goes "how could this happen to me...sick of this life" hoo successful radio pop band.
The title of the song really says it all.
ScORCHo said:
the song "Unititled" by A Simple Plan...the one that goes "how could this happen to me...sick of this life" hoo successful radio pop band.
The title of the song really says it all.
brink's said:

well yeah of course, but the topic is the most pretentious "song", so i thought i would just give the one that really stands out.
A lot of people need a dictionary for Christmas.
I Predict a Riot - Kaiser Chiefs

It's not so much that song, but the damned band pisses me off to no end. They like to pretend (with their image) that they're true made "indie" successes, but in reality, they're completely commercialised tossers who sold their integrity for $$$.
Ok, this might be useful for the remaining posters of this thread:

Pretentious-(adj.) Claiming or demanding a position of distinction or merit, especially when unjustified.