Most unfair fight in the game....

Your having trouble at one of my fav bits
Heres a tip.
take the table out out of the office on the top floor and use it as a baracade along one of the door then put 1 or 2 turrets up at it this will stop the combine getting to them. put the other turrent(s) faciing the other way and put barrles and crates along that doorway then keep your gravity gun out and use it to grab the man hacks before they reach the turrets. throw then at the wall.
like so.
If you're still having trouble, give my way a try. The only down side was that it got a little dull. No one even tried to shoot at me.
ROFL! I loved that part, uber hard but fun :D
It took me 3-4 tries, setting up turrets in different areas untill I went 'OH WTF" when I was low health and had 1 turret up while 5 combine were rushing me. I ran to my last turret which I had placed inside one of the cells, picked it up, crouched and held onto the turret so that it was just outside the door, so the whole time i'm crouched taking no fire while my turret i'm holding onto blasts everyone away.
I rofled alot.

craig said:
It's not that hard. It's just that most people don't realise (and I didn't for the first 20 tries) that you can pick the turrets back up once they fall over.

Really, you can pick them up? Damn, I'm stupid.

But anyway I succeeded by hiding in the closet and shooting the soldiers with the shotgun. :imu:
im going to try and go back (with the help of some cheats of otherwise) and get every turret in that level just for kicks :D then we'll see how good those combine bitches are now ;)
i had four turrets because i carried one from the previous :LOL:
Yeah the awsome thing about turrets is that they are virtually ammo infinite and act as a firing shield if you walk up behind one and pick it up with the grav gun. I took only 1/4th of the shots I would have recieved if I had not been holding up the turret in front of me.
I put the three turrets in a tight circle and placed myself in the middle and threw away all the granades the combine threw in.
zeno said: guide... tells you to... actually bring one turret from the last stand you made in that control room so that you have 4 turrets

I wound up bringing both of the turrets from the control room fight. I set them up on the balcony above and set up the three on the ground floor. Worked like a charm, but it was too much hard work. Getting the two turrets through that electrified water room was pretty frustrating.
yea i just rush them all and shoot them in the face with my shotgun...pwnt
I stacked boxes and crates blocking three doors, then i went in the little cell and set the turrets up inside there with me and waited. No enemies ever came, I just waited for Alyx. Not a bullet was fired.
Zeus said:
I would say the one in Nova Prospekt where you have combine coming in all directions and 3 turrets (and alyx doesn't help you). I even had to cheat by holding a turret and hiding in the closet so the turret shot them all as they came in.

That's not cheating. That's good thinking.
That one was very easy, more so than the previous 4 turrent encounter.

I put one facing the main door (in front of the turret lockers).

I put one on the platform next to a console, facing to the righ (if you are looking straight at the teleporter)

The other I put on the step to get in the teleporter facing left (again if you are looking straight at the teleporter).

The one that was facing the big door is the only one they ever managed to get down and only once.

The ones on the platform where just to hard to get with grenades, they always overthrew them, hehe.

That fight as a slaughter for me. Then again, so was the one with 4 turrets, 2 of them never go tipped over.
craig said:
It's not that hard. It's just that most people don't realise (and I didn't for the first 20 tries) that you can pick the turrets back up once they fall over.

LOL how can you not realise that? HL2 is all about being open minded, i just natrally assumed you can pick them back up ;)

that fight was quite hard, but it didnt take me long. teh only hard thing about it was the manhacks... they creep up on me the bastards!!! but anyway, i was playing it on normal mode, so i suppose it was easier.
You are all doing it wrong!
I, after many failed tries, found a way to do it without taking any damage or having to spend any ammo, at all :)
Here is the thing: you take the three turrets, one at a time, and place them back inside the hut they came from, facing outwards. Then you hide in the middle empty hut. The turrets cant get knocked over, and they kill every combine before they can shoot you. :LOL:
But really, the most unfair fight is in Follow Freeman, where you're on a rooftop fighting two Striders, a Gunship and a bucketload of Overwatch soldiers and elites.

Coolest fight ever though.
I managed to pick one turret back up, but whenever I tried it again i couldn't get it upright in my hands, it was still horizontal.

In the end I stayed in the turret room. Put them in 3 of the corners facing out the doors, and kept on guard for grens and manhacks.

I really need to go back to that bit and experiment with blocking off entrances and stuff - I wanna see some serious rape-age!
you guys remember the security station before that? the one where you had to set up two turrents to stop the combine rushing in? well, i carried one of those turrets all the way to the prison part, so i ended up with 4 turrets to use :p

it's quite awesome really. i just carried one around with me, and often the turret would spot a lurking headcrab/zombie before i would and take them out. and if i got into a firefight with some combine i'd just set it down in the corner and start blasting away. saved loads of ammo that way.
Prodigal Monkey said:
You are all doing it wrong!
I, after many failed tries, found a way to do it without taking any damage or having to spend any ammo, at all :)
Here is the thing: you take the three turrets, one at a time, and place them back inside the hut they came from, facing outwards. Then you hide in the middle empty hut. The turrets cant get knocked over, and they kill every combine before they can shoot you. :LOL:

There's no wrong way to do it retard. As long as you get passed the part you did it correctly.
its easy, just set 2 turrents in the right side, both beside each other, 1 facing frontwards other 1 watching its back, place the other 1 in the left room watching forwards and just kill any combine that goes near it with the secondary fire with shotty ^_^
Actually I got it at once LOL
Wasn't that hard, I just carried one turret all the way with me from before :E
So I had one turret in every direction, was pretty much waiting and sometimes putting one back up... ;)