Most worthless key on the keyboard?

kaf11 said:
Another useless key: € (What the hell is this thing anyway?)


I never use it though.

Other useless keys: Home, Insert, Scroll Lock, End, Most of the F-keys and the key to the left of the right Ctrl.
exactly like me.

what if kaf11 was using a pun...? politics ftw!
The secondary keys on the num pad when num lock is disabled are the most useless keys in history. if you ever use those in your life I'll give you a big block of swiss cheese and a roll of ritz crackers.
Scroll lock, its so useless.. you can tell just by looking at newer keyboards how useless it really is because its usually a secondary function of pause break.
heh heh, funneh,

btw you just used it four times now if we don't count "E"...
article by sinkoman on page 2 said:
The <`> key is called many names. According to the "Hacker's Jargon FAQ," these include:

backquote, left quote, left single quote, open quote, (grave accent), grave. Rare: backprime, [backspark], unapostrophe, birk, blugle, back tick, back glitch, push, (opening single quotation mark), quasiquote.
Word of the day.
Scroll Lock no longer serves a purpose. It first appeared on 84-key keyboards and was used in the old DOS days to toggle the ability to scroll the screen around with the arrow keys... when the screen was made up of 25 lines of 80 characters (or something close to that). Now, it's like the appendix of the keyboard. It doesn't do anything but they don't seem like they want to remove it until they have to remove it to make room for something else. That's why Xfire (as some people have mentioned) uses it... because it doesn't conflict with anything.
Stigmata said:
Speaking of, is Tilde the ` or the ~?

Tilde is the ~

The other one, ` is called a grave accent
Or ` is called the 'Console Cheat Key you n00b'

Windows key is crucial if you're in a game that freezes and you need to minimize the game... that's if ALT TAB doesn't work. I use the windows key as a last ditch effort before rebooting.
Windows needs a built-in "kill the active application no matter what" button or combination of buttons. Ctrl+Alt+Del, Alt+F4, Alt+Tab, Ctrl+Shift+Esc, and the rest of those just don't cut it in some situations that, otherwise, would be recoverable. For example, when playing GTA Rumble, all of the previously mentioned commands fail when it locks up... but they have a little program called "Crash Killer" that sits in the background and kills the GTA:SA process when you press F5. If that can get me out of a crash... why can't Windows?
Like Glo-Boy said, the Windows key can be a godsend in the event of crash/lockup/mouse doesn't work/start menu if you're using a tablet. Scroll lock does nothing except in-game chat in xfire which hardly ever works for me anyway.

But seriously...between Alt Gr and Ctrl lies the most useless key.

/me presses key

Oh actually I can see how that'd be useful.
Solaris said:
I wonder what this button d...
What, the period button? And why did you press it three times, be patient!
That's the period button, noob.
edit: Wait, CURSE YOU YURI! Although you made the joke better so meh. :D
Skaadi said:
I'm going to have to say the second enter button on the right of the keyboard, we've already got one. And that button above the inset button, whatver the hell that does.

I'd have to disagree there :P playing WoW and being right handed with my mouse to the right of my keyboard i'm forever using enter on the numpad. My vote goes for 'pause/break'..being an online gamer its completely useless..does it even work in single player games?
Sulkdodds said:
That's the period button, noob.
edit: Wait, CURSE YOU YURI! Although you made the joke better so meh. :D
<3 sulky
Without Scroll Lock there would be no

Scroll Lock + X
are u sure KAF11 that you simply need to press the lil f lock key to initiate them as f1-12 keys (P if u have a logitech keyboard)
Any of those extra buttons you get on non-run off the mill keyboards that attempt to justify why such an ancient piece of technology costs the same as it ever did. Inexplicably, my Microsoft Keyboard has handy buttons for "My Computer", "Calculator" and "Sleep". I've never pressed them on purpose.

As for standard keys, i'm going to go with Alt Gr simply because I know not what it does, and why it's more 'Gr' than the standard Alt key, which is rather more useful. I've used all the others at least once :)

Edit: Considering that I poured an entire mug of hotchocolate into this keyboard about a year ago, it's a miracle all the keys still work anyway. What do people do when their keyboard gets dirty? Do you pop out all the keys, clearing out the forest of hair within, or do you simply buy a new one?
AltGr means "Alternate Graphic" and is used to type symbols that are foreign to the regular keyboard layout. Compared to Scroll Lock, it's very useful. That being said, most US (and quite a few English) keyboards don't even have them. IIRC, you might be able to use Ctrl+Alt on US keyboards to do the same... or it might have been removed.
Scroll lock, the only thing I ever used it for was while I played Diablo 2 and used maphack. It actually had a purpose then.
OCybrManO said:
AltGr means "Alternate Graphic" and is used to type symbols that are foreign to the regular keyboard layout. Compared to Scroll Lock, it's very useful. That being said, most US (and quite a few English) keyboards don't even have them. IIRC, you might be able to use Ctrl+Alt on US keyboards to do the same... or it might have been removed.

I have to do alt + (3 digit numpad code)
capslock, i popped it out of my keyboard years ago when i finally was fed up with accidently activating it when pressing the "A" key.

I have not missed it since. Rot in hell capslock key
OvA said:
Without Scroll Lock there would be no

Scroll Lock + X
I set it to ALT + X, because it's way faster, and you don't need two hands.

Btw I rarely use the F buttons now I think of it.
kaf11 said:
Funny story:

My brother (bryanf445) spilled a glass of coke on my old keyboard and I had to buy a new one. Now my F1-F12 keys will not work in any of my games. This new keyboard cost $20 and he has yet to pay me back. I just thought I would share this keyboard related story here.

Another useless key: € (What the hell is this thing anyway?)

it's a EURO for god's sake you economically iliterate person!

oh, and I vote the insert key