Motherboard upgrade problems

Sep 17, 2003
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Hi my bro just had a new Asus A7N8X-E Deluxe nForce2 mobo, I fitted it for him all ok but when it boots up it goes ok till just before the windows loading screen then reboots :angry: .
Iv tryed everything takin all the parts out and putting them back in checked all connections even tryed a differnt harddrive and still the same.
Any 1 got any idea's?
You do know that Windows often doesn't like being moved from one motherboard to another?
Yea which windows do you have installed on these hard drives? And what happens if you use a boot disk?
Im running xp, I'll format a harddrive and try and do a fresh install on it see if that works.
I'll let you know 2morrow :thumbs:
Yep that done the trick, just formated the drive and put a fresh copy of xp on.
Cheers for that! :D