motherboard? will it fit?


Sep 19, 2004
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I'm a newb at this........i saw all kinds of 9800 pro cards online and t hey all look diffrent, the thing is that i'm worried if it'll fit into my mother board..... some look too huge and some look too thick, because my mother board has the vid card, sound and network cards piled together and i hope they'll fit.....
goddamm i wish i know, i got it last year and the things is i forgot it lol, well nm i just checked, it'll fit, that bastard looks all big and mighty when i see it in the pics lol :dozey:
I doubt highly there are any 9800pros that take up 2 slots (unlike some of nvidias :p)
After I buy my 6800GT I'm gonna have to move my soundblaster one slot down cuz my 5600 now almost touches the soundcard, the dude at the store even put something between them so they dont touch... and I know the 6800 has this huge cooler so I'll have to move it down a bit...
I keep my sound card all the way at the bottom so there's about 4-5 empty PCI slots between my 9800 and my audigy. better for airflow :)
DreamThrall said:
I keep my sound card all the way at the bottom so there's about 4-5 empty PCI slots between my 9800 and my audigy. better for airflow :)

yeah you did the right thing, but I read somewhere that you have better performance if you put all your card starting from the top most slot? or is it just fake info? dont remember where I saw it sorry...
I dunno, I've never heard that... The only PCI card I have is the sound card though... And with it being an Audigy2, I don't really know how much more performance I can get out of it... haha

Anyways, if I'm not mistaken, the "P" in PCI stands for "parallel", which means it doesn't really matter what order you put the cards in.