Mothers will do anything...

Raziaar said:
Come on guys... lets not let this derail into discussions of graphic sexual acts.

Yeah, this discussion is gatting a little out of hand.
i think the article is bullshit. no way. Japan may have some outlandish fashion, but they're not that f*'ed up.
lmfao @ the school girl video, that shit is ****edddddddd
RakuraiTenjin said:
I want to put this in my signature but that's just too mean to you Foxtrot.


PS: Be sure to turn off safe search when you do the image search.
wtf, I neevr even knew google had a safesearch option, and the reaosn is because it isn't shown when i go to advance search, and I can't evn go to the english ssite, with ff and IE I get automaticly redirected to the .nl version.
Can anyone tell what teh **** is going on, I want to be able to go to the english version, and I want to be able to search for boobies and bukkake, now I know why my boobies search always fails.

I figured it, i have to set english in preferences, but it says I don't have the filter on, why can't I still find decent boobies.

Bukkake? ==>

Oooh, I did a search on bukkake without the filter, now I know what it is
thats, just awful, I can't believe someone would do that, poor, poor las.
RakuraiTenjin said:
I want to put this in my signature but that's just too mean to you Foxtrot.


PS: Be sure to turn off safe search when you do the image search.

how I can turn off that?

EDITl: dont matter I know now what it is and ewwww
You can turn it of by first using the english version, then going to preferences and then setting the filter off.
And yeah ewww, I can't believe they'd do that to a poor kitten.
god, why did you make me search.... why?
Do a search for hentai, it's all those sexual innuendoes in one ^-^
i have a strong feeling this thread is gonna be closed soon :P

Also, that's just wrong. So very, very wrong.
bvasgm said:

Also, that's just wrong. So very, very wrong.

IBL, huh?

wrong * 121,324,543,521,068,000,423,030,312.
there was no reason for this topic to be locked but with you retards spamming for no reason it could be. back on topic of the sick japanese mothers
TheUnkillableDot said:
Im scared to click that kitty-bukake link.

I still wanna go to japan though :)

hey stranger..where ya been?
wanna go to Japan huh? u sicko :p
Grey Fox said:
wtf, I neevr even knew google had a safesearch option, and the reaosn is because it isn't shown when i go to advance search, and I can't evn go to the english ssite, with ff and IE I get automaticly redirected to the .nl version.