Motorstorm 2 trailer


May 27, 2003
Reaction score
Of course, just like last time this is a CG target render, not ingame.

Main things to note:

- 16 tracks
- 4 player split screen
- It's on a Pacific island
- 16 player multiplayer
- New monster truck class
- Coming this fall
Of course, just like last time this is a CG target render, not ingame.

Main things to note:

- 16 tracks
- 4 player split screen
- It's on a Pacific island
- 16 player multiplayer
- New monster truck class
- Coming this fall

Main things to note:

- 16 tracks
- 4 player split screen
- It's on a Pacific island
- 16 player multiplayer
- New monster truck class

- 16 tracks
- 4 player split screen
- It's on a Pacific island

- 4 player split screen

Do want.
Wathed this earlier. AWESOMENESS. I like the tropics better than the desert for just about everything anyway so this is right up my alley. :thumbs:
The first one had great racing mechanics but not a whole lot of anything else. A ton of fun but it got too repetitive and boring. Hopefully they can take the basic concept of the game and really make it great, because there's a lot of potential in the series ... I just wasn't a huge fan of the original.
I lol'd while watching the video. It came to the part where the bike ramps and the big truck runs them over mid air. Well, the video stopped to buffer the SECOND the collision happened, making a hilarious picture.
[cynicism]The first game took a concept that's been done to death and reasonably well pulled it off... This looks to be more of the same.[/cynicism]

Also, my gosh these people really like Pendulum, huh.
CG trailer is kickass!

But proves nothing.

Granted they toned this down in lots of departments (flair, style, etc), so when people see the game, they will be like "OMG it was just like that CG trailer!!"
I would frankly be fine with everything the same (except load times of course) for the second one as long as they switched out the desert tracks for all new tropical tracks. The engine was very good and the cars were great too. No complaints from me (except for the load times).
The son of a good friend of mine, asked me a couple weeks back to help him pick out a PS3. (I think the real reason I was asked to help, was because his mom wouldn't let her 16 year old son carry the $600 the console ended up costing) So he ended up getting the 80GB version & from what I have heard, he totally loves it. Plus it being the PS3, it came with MotorStorm, a game I have very much wanted to try, since I enjoy games of that type..

I only played for around 20 mins, but what a fun 20 minutes that was. When in sam hell are they going to release it for the PC? If at all, probably after MotorStorm 2 Launches.. Kinda sucks that they (game developers) tend to make CGI videos of their games instead of letting the games engine render a trailer. Remember the HD trailer for Onimusha 3? OMFG, that was a sweet CGI movie/intro for the game. I did LOL when I played the actual game & it looked NOTHING like the trailer.

MotorStorm 2... Mmmm....
