Motorstorm - New impressive shots (56K)


Jul 18, 2003
Reaction score






Dayum! I'm so pumped for this.

IGN UK: When I first saw the demo of MotorStorm at E3 '05 I never thought you'd manage to get close to it with the actual game, yet you have…

Martin Kenwright: I don't think anyone thought we could do it! But I've been in the industry for 20 years and nothing we included in the trailer was implausible, which is why I always knew it was possible. Besides, if there's something in the trailer that isn't in this game you can bet it will be in the next one! As for last E3, it was almost like the best and the worst for us. We were killing ourselves to create a great demo, especially after setting the benchmark so high the year before and, for technical reasons, the week before, we missed the deadline for the [Sony pre-E3] presentation. We hold our hands up for that. But we got it on the show floor and the irony was the excitement went from zero to hero - when everyone saw it they thought it was great.

We thought let's do something we enjoy, to create something memorable and make a game the likes of which people had never seen before. That was the whole ethos behind MotorStorm, to create the superlatives: the best, the biggest, the widest and the deepest. We wanted to create tracks that were on top of giant mesas two miles up, but also in the mud at the bottom of the deepest canyons.

The way the team has pulled the game together in the last six months is incredible - it's better than Liverpool's comeback in Istanbul [when the Reds came back from 3-0 down to beat AC Milan on penalties in the 2005 Champions' League Final]. But at the end of the day we've tried our best to create the best we can so now's it's up to the marketplace.


IGN UK: Do you think MotorStorm has set the bar for other developers to match, especially because you managed to create a game that looked exactly like the early demos? That Killzone trailer look pretty special but…

Martin Kenwright: There are some world class developers out there and there are some great technologies that are in development - because we're already working on some of them. In the next few years I think you're going to see an amazing change in terms of plausibility and believability, with amazing technologies introduced, incredible examples of cause and effect, brilliant AI… Within five to ten years will be competing directly with the movie industry in terms of visual fidelity, except we'll have the edge because our medium is interactive. I think games like Killzone will start setting the bar for what is possible.

wow the last pic looks really great! Awesome
Man, the guy driving the car in the first screen got knocked the **** OUT!
Put some weapons into this game and I'd buy it in an instant.
I blame your A.D.D. infused lust for charred human flesh and bullet hole filled metal. Sadistic bastard. :O
The game doesnt look anything like the videos. I played it on a FULL HD tv. The videos look at least 10x better. As a matter of fact the game looks like shit.
I blame your A.D.D. infused lust for charred human flesh and bullet hole filled metal. Sadistic bastard. :O

Cmon, the guy on the motorcycle should clearly have a crowbar or chain.
And those dune buggies are crying "SLAP MG'S ON MEEEEEE"
Personally I don't think it looks that good.
Why do companies bother putting out pre-rendered footage to pass of as gameplay? It just sets the bar up way to high and in the end will just leave people dissapointed when they see the final results. Seriously, Motorstorm just looks like the poor man's Burnout now. Actually, it's not even like that at all... just the same generic racing game that we've been seeing for the last several years.

"8 Days" was the only other game I was really interested in for the PS3, and now I'm almost certain that the seamless transitions from cutscenes to gameplay isn't going to come to fruition. ;(

Not that I'm considering getting a PS3 mind you, but when false advertising like this happens, I can't see how the gaming industry benefits at all. It feels like a step backwards. An unwelcomed slap in the face.
To be fair, 'apparently' when the footage was first shown it was labelled as "Target graphics" as in not saying that is what they will achieve but they were so far off they might've well claimed it was real, etc.
To me the actual game looks ****ing beautiful, it may not come close to the CGI video, but holy shit it looks amazing, and the crashes and rag dolls looks superb, overall I'm not in the least disappointed in this game.
Having played it a few times at various stores, I loved it and was incredibly impressed with how it looks, especially the backgrounds.
Well, it may have gotten a lot of praise for its graphics, for better or worse, but most of the people were surprised on how fun it was to play.

Multiplayer is going to be a blast. :E
Sony setup quite a few booths at the Times Square in Hong Kong and one of them was the PS3 Motorstorm all hooked up to a 60-70" hi-def TV today, the game was... beautiful. They had the area enclosed and let only 2 participants in at a time, god I so wanted to go in to give it a shot but I didn't want to wait in the long-ass lines ;( Maybe I can try again tomorrow if they still have it up *prays to the gaming gods*
have any of you actually played it since its been updated? No, didn't think so... This game has went through several iterations already, for instance, the demo that I have on my ps3 is better looking and plays better than the demo they have on ps3 kiosks in my area, because the engine build I downloaded is newer than the one they pre-loaded on the demo kiosks.

This game has improved in graphics and is very close to the e32k5 target footage. So you naysayers and ps3 haters (for whatever reason) just quit looking for flaws already, that shits' getting annoying.
have any of you actually played it since its been updated? No, didn't think so... This game has went through several iterations already, for instance, the demo that I have on my ps3 is better looking and plays better than the demo they have on ps3 kiosks in my area, because the engine build I downloaded is newer than the one they pre-loaded on the demo kiosks.

This game has improved in graphics and is very close to the e32k5 target footage. So you naysayers and ps3 haters (for whatever reason) just quit looking for flaws already, that shits' getting annoying.
Who cares about flaws in the graphics? Don't get so riled up. They can be pointed out but they don't mean much so don't get all worked up over them.

What matters is the gameplay which really hasn't interested me yet.

ExciteTruck ftw.
This game has improved in graphics and is very close to the e32k5 target footage. So you naysayers and ps3 haters (for whatever reason) just quit looking for flaws already, that shits' getting annoying.

Uh yeah I don't care how much they improve the graphics it still doesn't look anywhere near as good as the target footage :| Thats the point. Sony is the master of the bullshot (gonna steal that from penny-arcade >_>). Showing you super awesome, and when the game comes out it looks nothing like what you saw when the game was first revealed. ( I can't wait til Killzone 2 screens are released. That'll be fun)

That being said it still is a good looking game :| And it sounds fun, but I wont know because im not buying a PS3 anytime soon.
Somehow Sony managed to go back two years in the graphics department.
Hell no, both titles look absolutely stunning in video's
come now, lots of people use prerendered stuff for trailers. IIRC the COD line of games normally has prerendered videos with the intent of capturing the essense of the game, ditto for Bioshock.

And if Ken Levine says its okay to do, its okay to do
Plastic mud. Must get good traction on that! :D
I don't know about you guys but I played Excite truck on the Wii and honestly thought it sucked.
Well yea I never said I liked it, but I just said it was similar looking gameplay... Even the boost and collision type systems. Obviously Motorstorm is more complex, but sort of the same thing.
This game is fun as hell, controls great, and looks even better. nuff' said.
This game is fun as hell...

Yet another confirmation. :E

Korgoth, so the demo that you can download from the Playstation Store is a lot different from the one found in PS3 kiosks? I thought both were the same version?
Its the same track, and you can still only pick the same vehicles etc. But the engine ang graphics are tweaked, as well as the frame rate. It looks smoother, and runs smoother. I'm still running at 720 p, so unless the demo kiosks are running it at 1080p or something, then I should be getting idencticle graphics and performance, but its clearly different to me.

BTW, just saw that god of war ps3 is in the conceptual stages :) joy!
come now, lots of people use prerendered stuff for trailers. IIRC the COD line of games normally has prerendered videos with the intent of capturing the essense of the game, ditto for Bioshock.

And if Ken Levine says its okay to do, its okay to do

IIRC Ken Levine said that it was important that people saw what Bioshock actually looked like before they showed the pre-rendered trailer, so they showed the real game first. While the Bioshock trailer was made to capture the essence of the game like you said, The Motorstorm trailer was called a "target render" and was shown long before the actual game footage. Target renders are supposedly meant to show what they are aiming for the game to look like, but are always bullshit.