Mouse recommendation please?

Aug 17, 2004
Reaction score
My Logitech wireless mouse is on its way out. Its a simple one, 2 buttons, wheel in the middle that clicks (and pushes down). The mouse buttons are getting very insensitive to clicks, plus if I push hard enough down on the left (ie when shooting in games), the right clicks as well. Bad design tbh.

Anyhow, can you guys recommend a wireless mouse for me, just 2 buttons and a wheel is fine. Are lasers better than balls? Do I need a special mousemat or something?
I've got no mousemat, just a mouse and a desk :p

If your looking for a normal mouse, not for gaming, then just look at some on the Logitech site and have a search for lowest price on Google.
Also, the mouse must be able to withstand the pressure of flying at high speed through a plate glass window, and landing on concrete.
^ Aye. I used to have a MS one and it would spaz out randomnly.
Logitech G5. Best on the market. No wireless spazzes. 'Nuff said.
My beef is more with having to replace batteries after a few gaming sessions. Other than that my MIME5 is perfect.
Never had any issues with the 2 wireless mice I've had before. Except when you put a mobile phone next to the receiver, but meh.
Razer Copperhead or Diamondback are the two best mice I've ever touched.
That logitech looks good, nice and cheap for a gamer mouse.
Just picked it up, plugged the rx into a usb port, installed instantly. Unplugged old mouse, jobs a good un :)
Ok one more question, with my old mouse if I clicked the wheel, a link would open in a new tab in firefox. With this mouse, it comes up with some kind of zoom thing.

How do I get it to open new tabs? I can change what it does, but I don't know how to make it open a new tab on a link.
Just push CTRL+T?

Or maybe you can set it using the software provided.