Movement Mod, stunts and all!



I have a odd idea for a mod that will fully take grasp of hl2s physic system and be loads of fun at the same time.

Parkour, a WIDELY know sport just not well known, is all about movement. This includes jumping wall to wall hanging on walls, kicking off objects and using anything you want to get past anything in your way. Yes this does include flips and so on but before you go "0mGz MATRIXZ", it is all about speed. For a basic layout goto "" and fundamentals and thats what i plan to have.

This wont be very hard to code but it will require entities that i could put in maps ect.

Of course to pull abit of the other audiences, I'm thinking a ninja type mode with melee and maybe a mode with just pistols.

Think the mod sounds cool? Catch me up at "Red Epocalypse" on AIM. Or send me a email at [email protected]

-praying that coders will show mercy

sounds pretty cool, wish i could help ya out, but i have zilch exp when it comes to coding.
Update :: If I could I would like to add a full melee system into this, anytakers?