Movies out TONIGHT


May 14, 2003
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Movies will come out tonight for the following reasons:

1) Latest steam patch addressed most of the bugs

2) <-- A Whooping 1350Mbps has been opened up (close to 1500mpbs when all active)

3) Today is a monday there will not be a peek usage of the network that would have been present at the weekend therefore it wont be stretched as much.

4) Septmember the 30th is a Monday so Valve are monday people? :p

EDIT: If they dont come out today i will eat my hat :D
it could be, but tbh i would like to see some really new stuff...even if they were just screens
On my calender Sept 30 is a Tuesday. And next year it's a Thursday.
But it could be just cause Microsoft says so...

Anyway... I hope the movies come out today too.

/me defecates in Killerlagger's hat and passes it back to him. :cool:
Yeah the movie come out today, because we are the 14 th July ! French National Day ! Yeaaaaaahhhh !...ok ok, i'll eat my hat too...

Sorry for my english...
I dont understand you people...

You already seen the movies, we talked about them (VERY much). We cant play the game....its just movies....and you already seen whats the big deal?
just something to look forward to. September 30th is a long way away.
Originally posted by Spiffae
just something to look forward to. September 30th is a long way away.

Not that long, and a month and abit of it consists of School Holidays, well, for some ;).
Two raisons :

- With this high quality video, we'll see in fullscreen the capacity of Source...Fun :) !!

- Maybe this video will be the only one media before the 30 th September, we don't know...

Sorry for my english again.
Originally posted by Majestic XII
I dont understand you people...

You already seen the movies, we talked about them (VERY much). We cant play the game....its just movies....and you already seen whats the big deal?

They say they maybe releasing some extra on top
i don't think they are coming out today. look at the list of content servers. certainly, 1300 mbps is a huge amount of bandwidth, but look at the server numbers. there are 12 now, but the last gamestorm number is 25. I don't think they'll release until all 25 are up. that's my theory, because i'm tired of expecting them every night.

also, it's summer, but for me summer=heat, hard long hours at work, and waiting for HL2.
Something tells me that VALVe isn't going to tie the media release in with France's Nation Day.
:) Who knows ? Maybe Valve love France and Frenchs !
It was just a suggestion :)
Yeah while all the Frenchies out celebrating they release the movies would be great :p
I'm willing to wager that nobody in VALVe even knew it was France's National Day.
Yeah while all the Frenchies out celebrating they release the movies would be great

Yeah, but real HL2 fans will stay at home :)
French national day is delayed in the south because of the terrible heat =)

=> No HL2 movies ;)
They have an AVAILABLE bandwidth of nearly 1150 now... Most they've ever had.
maybe they just like mustard, cause you know, smile, cause you have Frenchs!

*embarrassed laugh*
I dont think there coming out till all 25 servers are up. Why eles wouldent they have the crazy numbers for... ;-/
Rigamix: Stop apologizing for your english. No one cares okay? Your english is fine by the way :)
Ooo I was just wondering, why did anatomee(sp?) get banned? He made a thread with "New HL2 pics" and got banned. What happened? Did he post pr0n? :eek:
i'm sure there is some very rich hl2 fans out there,
if i was rich i would buy a couple of gigs for the content servers :)
Everybody flamed him though, and nobody other than Munro cares about scans because HL2.Net can get in trouble for it.
If you were rich Switch, i'd like to ask you if you were ready to buy me a new computer :)
Videos Today?

B1NK quality?

Too bad I have to work until 8:00.. hah.. oh..;(
I've ate all my hats (3 to be exact) in the past. I dont have any more hats ;(

So in theory it should come out today, if not I'll puke out one of the old hats and eat it again :eek: