Movies out TONIGHT

im sure he's got 1000 emails to read...

Because of people emailing his work adress over the weekend only to find out that he works at his house on the weekend. :p
Originally posted by BWMASTER
I've ate all my hats (3 to be exact) in the past. I dont have any more hats ;(

So in theory it should come out today, if not I'll puke out one of the old hats and eat it again :eek:

Now that's disgusting.. but of course, I would love to see ya do it :)

Videos are not coming out today! How do I know, because it's still the safest bet... and I like my hat dammit.
Taz I think I used a metaphor and those words arent ment to be taken literaly.:dork:
i don't think cotton digests well. I tried it once and I developed kidny stones
Originally posted by BWMASTER
Taz I think I used a metaphor and those words arent ment to be taken literaly.:dork:

A metaphor is when you call something that it is not to make a comparison... where in your statement did you do any comparisons?

Your a sick puppy is a metaphor.

And just to add a little english 101... You look like a sick puppy is a simile. :)
Originally posted by Chris_D
Ooo I was just wondering, why did anatomee(sp?) get banned? He made a thread with "New HL2 pics" and got banned. What happened? Did he post pr0n? :eek:

He did not post scans. If you pressed the link before it was removed it said "**** you" or something...

*' "****" is "F u c k". Sorry for using bad words, but it was some kind of quote=)
Originally posted by csmighty
i don't think cotton digests well. I tried it once and I developed kidny stones

No, cotton's not good. Not even if you coat it in chocolate. You get sick.

(Is anyone seeing the reference here?)
You look like a fat walrus piece of shit! (Metaphors-w00t)
for christ sakes.. you didn't even get the seeds out.

i think yossarian will probably get the catch 22 refrence..
Originally posted by Joeyslucky22
Videos Today?

B1NK quality?

Too bad I have to work until 8:00.. hah.. oh..;(
Just leave your computer running. If they are released while you're at work, they'll be on your hard drive when you get home. :thumbs:
They dont downlaod automatically, you wait for a Media "game" to appear and then you have to double click on it to download.

Thats why evreyone is waiting around to see if its out, it would of been better if it downloads automatically.
Originally posted by BWMASTER
They dont downlaod automatically, you wait for a Media "game" to appear and then you have to double click on it to download.

Thats why evreyone is waiting around to see if its out, it would of been better if it downloads automatically.
Thanks, man! I would have felt pretty stupid if I had been still waiting in the middle of next week when I found this valuable news out!:cheers:
Damn, this is almost as much fun as waiting for Duke Nukem Forever.

Just out of interest for the folk who aren't running Steam (myself included), how long d'you give it before the new media is EVERYWHERE (ie: possibly Kazaa/site-links) after it's released?
Originally posted by X-Vector
Damn, this is almost as much fun as waiting for Duke Nukem Forever.


Not really.. I have been sitting by my computer for 5 years waiting for Duke.. only been here for over a week waiting for the HL2 footage. :dozey:
Valve reduced capacity bandwith to 1250Mbps.
Originally posted by X-Vector
Damn, this is almost as much fun as waiting for Duke Nukem Forever.


Is that thing still being made with the original Unreal engine? I mean to say, it's competent enough but SO old. D'you reckon they ported it to Source? ;) That'd be what? Only the second engine overhaul...
Originally posted by El_Chi
Just out of interest for the folk who aren't running Steam (myself included), how long d'you give it before the new media is EVERYWHERE (ie: possibly Kazaa/site-links) after it's released?

why not just run steam? it's free!
PC upstairs= broadband, but also=my parents'
PC downstairs=56k also=mine
Theirs is pretty new and it's not really fair to clog it up with stuff. Also, it won't download the necessary patches etc. will it, because HL's only installed downstairs...
Originally posted by Xelnein
for christ sakes.. you didn't even get the seeds out.

i think yossarian will probably get the catch 22 refrence..

DNF went from Quake 1 (early, early conceptual build. Just a couple guys futzing around one day saying, "Hey, wouldn't be cool if...?" Unfortunately, 3D Realms immediately grabbed a bunch of screenshots and ran an exclusive preview in PC Gamer about five years too early.) It then went to Quake II engine when developement started in earnest. About a year later, citing limitations in the Quake II engine, 3DR moved to the Unreal engine saying it would only put them six months behind. Since then they've been developing on the Unreal platform incorporating every tech update as it is released by Epic so to say that they're using the "original Unreal engine" is not true. In fact, George Boussard claims that they've so heavily modified the code anyway that they've practically written their own engine (most notably, this statement was made when asked why Valve could design their own engine and a game in 5 years when 3DR couldn't even design a game using existing engine tech in the same time frame. I think that was the same post where he said that Valve's revolutionary facial animation system was "no big deal" and just used "simple skeletal movement like DNF has had for years." Yeah, right.)

Of course, that's all decidely off topic. The difference between waiting for the next Duke game and the Half-Life 2 media via Steam is that we know the Half-Life 2 media will eventually be released. I keep waiting for 3DR to announce that they've run out of money and will have to cancel DNF.
Originally posted by Mountain Man
Of course, that's all decidely off topic.

Yes it is, mister!

Baiting DNF fanboys is like taking candy from a baby in a New York minute.
Originally posted by Mountain Man
when asked why Valve could design their own engine and a game in 5 years when 3DR couldn't even design a game using existing engine tech in the same time frame. I think that was the same post where he said that Valve's revolutionary facial animation system was "no big deal" and just used "simple skeletal movement like DNF has had for years." Yeah, right.)

Does the phrase "A case of sour grapes" mean anything to anyone?
3DR have to come up with something PRETTY special to justify the ridulousness of DNF's development, and Havok physics tits ain't gonna do the trick. Well, not for me at least.
Originally posted by El_Chi
No, cotton's not good. Not even if you coat it in chocolate. You get sick.

(Is anyone seeing the reference here?)

Haha, yes, the reference is well received...

I think the other thread with reference to Eric Johnsons post on the Steam forums is enough to get our hopes up least this time we have solid evidence and a "confident" statement from Valve...but alas, I get my hopes up not.
You see ! French national day ! lol ! Firework display !!! Yeaaaaahhhh !!!!
By the time they post it it won't be the same day in France.

Ha ha.
lol ! Time is universel ! Time is Espace, and espace is time ! Hrem...:)