Moving CS bomb target


Apr 29, 2005
Reaction score
Is it possible to make a de_ CS Source map with a moving target where the bomb must be planted? Any help'd be great:D
Yea, I think it might be. I am currious, so I will try right now. I'll post back in a few with my virdict.
Target zones support a parentname. I can't think of a reason it wouldn't work.
oh, that would be cool... like a vehicle or something? is that what your talking about?
LMAO!! That would be so awesome!!! I can see it now. I'll be seeing a T Bot with the bomb running after the bombsite to plant it, and the bombsite is moving around in random locations.
Limpet said:
Probably a random location every round.
That would be nifty! But also like a larger scaled map, you're on a train. And the train goes in a slightly scewed circle, through tunnles *with the lack of light and need to use flashlights, sweet.* and the bombsite is on the engine of the train or something. Omfg, that sounds like a sweet goddamn map.
if u ask me having random every round would be stupid. Take a clan match for example. You do tactics for a certain bombsite etc. So it would decrease peoples gameplay and people woudnt like it as much.
Not all maps have to be geared for clan play.
The randomness in havana was rather poorly-received.
Maybe, but I think it's still a fun idea.
When a map becomes a routine when I just want to have fun, there is very little point in playing that map anymore.

Has there been any maps to atleast attempt a level of randomness? Maybe a handfull
no but every1 will b confused and the gamers wont like it. I certanly wont. (no offense like)
Jonny said:
no but every1 will b confused and the gamers wont like it. I certanly wont. (no offense like)

well the gameplay can change every round and it could be called de_findthetarget
You can move the bomb target and somehow hack it into a "cs_map"

Put right into the hostages and plant the bomb! Poor CTs, they will have to make a double raise for their salary for double rescuing.

In fact, they'll never make it.
Jonny said:
if u ask me having random every round would be stupid. Take a clan match for example. You do tactics for a certain bombsite etc. So it would decrease peoples gameplay and people woudnt like it as much.
well "la-dee-****in-da!" look at me..i'm some nerd who sits in his basement and dislikes change. Screw you and your planning and tactics. A real clan would have no problem with it. The whole CS:S planned bombsite makes the game unrealistic, and this would be a great way of using the parenting. Hell this is a great idea, this could probably spawn a whole new concept for CS:S.

Good work Rennmniscant:thumbs: