Moving Env_beam


Mar 24, 2005
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Real quick question. I'm trying to make a Env_beam move on a track. I never really dealt with this kind of thing but I thought I had to use a func_train, which to my knowledge is not in the editor anymore or something.

Thanks, Icewolf
thats the ticket. and then just parent the target of the beam, or the beam itself.

The glory of the orangebox verision of hammer is that you now can typ in "train" and noting else in the drop down menu and it will give you anything that relates to it.
It works perfectly how I want it to, but I can't get it to start at the time I want it to. Right when I start the map it the beam starts moving on the track. I looked through the options, can't seem to get it to start with a trigger :hmph:
Trains start moving on map spawn. Sort of retarded but true.

What you do is place the first path tarrck at the dead center of your train and then you give that path track the following output:

OnPass - trainname - Stop

Now your train will stop and you can trigger it with StartForward any time you like.