Moving objects around-too much snapping(beginner)



im quite new to hammer but im getting a hang of it. my main problem atm is moving objects. is there a simple way to disable that snapping(the objects move too much). now i have to go to Transform and then move it.

i hope you know what i mean

Yes there is but you shall not use it because it tends to cause leaks. Making things not snap makes it very hard to seal you map and therefore you get leaks. However there are two button in the top field of buttons that make the grid that things snap to larger and smaller. So all you need to do is to make your grid smaller but keep the snapping.
press [ and ] to change the grid size, it goes from 1 upwards in exponential incrememnts (1,2,4,8,16,32,64,etc). I usually work in 8 for blocking stuff in and lower than that for details. You can see grid size on the bottom bar. Also, you can uncheck "snap to grid" in view, but that's a bad idea