Moving your eyes independently


May 28, 2003
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Here is a useless skill for you to practice. You can see in multiple directions at once:
im sure there are many uses...
I can't move my eyes independently but I can cross them (although, I'm sure many people on this site can).
Don't the USAF teach their Apache pilots to do this so they can operate the targeting systems properly?
dont look so dificult

if you see he press one of the eyes to the center and sure he keep it pressed while moving the others

but try to move them like these
Like RJMC says, he's just crossing his eyes, then moving them to the side, but since one's already looking the correct way it can't move.
I have a friend with a lazy eye. I'm not sure if that's exactly the correct term, but as much as he looks funny, he's never had corrective measures taken and it apparently doesn't bother him. Result: his peripheral vision is insane. You'll be driving with him and you can't tell if he's watching the road or you: he's watching both. It's kind of disconcerting, but how neat would that be to actually see way off to the side normally? He can check out the ladies without getting caught, too. Now that I think about it, I'll have to ask about his depth perception sometime.
I have a friend with a lazy eye. I'm not sure if that's exactly the correct term, but as much as he looks funny, he's never had corrective measures taken and it apparently doesn't bother him. Result: his peripheral vision is insane. You'll be driving with him and you can't tell if he's watching the road or you: he's watching both. It's kind of disconcerting, but how neat would that be to actually see way off to the side normally? He can check out the ladies without getting caught, too. Now that I think about it, I'll have to ask about his depth perception sometime.

Do you know for a fact he has better peripheral vision? I had a "lazy eye" before and what happens is that for some reason I can't use both my eyes to see, only one, so thats what causes the other to go out (this doesn't mean that I can't see out of the other one, its just that I can only focus on things with one). So in reality, since I'm only using one eye to see, my peripheral vision is actually worse on my left side.

Even after "fixing" the eye problem, it doesn't do anything. The fix is just a cosmetic thing to make it seem that your eye is keeping up becuase the surgery just involves tying the problematic eye to the side to compensate for going out, so that it seems to be normal. So while my eyes look normal now, I still have poor peripheral vision and its really noticable when I try to shave the left side of my face, and switching lanes to the left, rofl.
I don't know if it's bona fide 'lazy eye', but I can confirm that he can use both of them. It's possible he'll shift focus from one to the other so he can see way off to one side without turning his head and is actually only using one at a time, but he describes it as a very wide field of vision.
I can do something sort of similar. I can cross one eye and look straight with the other one, and also move the non-crossed eye around a little bit, but if I move it too much my other eye will start to move as well.

Don't the USAF teach their Apache pilots to do this so they can operate the targeting systems properly?

No, and you should punch whoever told you that load of shit. And the USAF does not operate Apaches, the US Army does.
I'm not sure about the targeting systems/movement of the eyes but considering how a helicopter is an air asset, I understand how RepiV made that mistake. Not to mention the fact that he is British so one could assume that he wouldn't be all too familiar with something as trivial as the allocation of hardware amongst branches of a foreign military.