[MP5] only my 3rd ever model


Jul 13, 2003
Reaction score
only 3rd model, here polycount around 1,700 tell me wat u think plz,




  • mp5_final_1.jpg
    31.5 KB · Views: 483
another angle,


  • mp5_final_2.jpg
    17.4 KB · Views: 354
yes urs looks good but like u said i made this in my first week, so don't be 2 hard on me :p and yes i try that right after i got my m4 sorted.
Well, now that you have a basic grasp on 3d modeling, you really need to get away from the extuding method of modeling. Imagine how uncomfortable those handles would be....
and wat other methods would u recommend? box modelling?
i tried it once did not find it any where near as good :-/ i see if i can smooth the handle out a bit
When I get back to my PC I'll explain how to round objects such as handles and show you with some pictures.
Box Modelling, is the best way to make weapons and Objects, if you ever take Graphic Design, to a high level, such as ND or maybe in high school..

They show you that to draw objects correctly, you need to build them out of boxes, and that is the same method you use for making 3D models...

it's a very good mthod, you just need to practice to get it right :)
Here you go Eddie. Sorry for the delay. It's very easy to do and there are several ways to accomplish it, but I feel this is the easiest way to get started with it.

Start by making the shape of the handle on the flattest part between the two rounded parts. I usually just use a box and extrude it until I get the shape I want, but you can use whichever method you prefer.


Select all of the faces on the back of the handle.


On the right side below the Selection group you'll see the Edit Geometry group.


With those faces still selected, click on the extrude button and drag the arrows to create some more faces to work with.


Now, with those faces still selected, look at the top view. You'll want to Non-Uniform scale inwards to create the rounded edges.



That's it. I usually do that one more time and weld in the center so it looks nice when smoothed, but that depends on your polygon budget and the visibility of the handle.


The front still needs to be done, of course, along with cleaning up the verts at the top, but that should be enough to get you going. If you have any questions, feel free to ask. Good luck.
this was an MP5 Sniper Model I made.

I havn't made models in so long nor skinned any, I really got get back into it.
dude, that's your 3rd ever model? pretty nice..

I'm still learning, and this is my first model I did now after seeing thsi thread.. took about 10mins.. rofl
Originally posted by Dalith
dude, that's your 3rd ever model? pretty nice..

I'm still learning, and this is my first model I did now after seeing thsi thread.. took about 10mins.. rofl

hehe lol thx m8 :)
Hehe, and I've only had 3dsmax for a day now, that's pretty good work for like 4-5 hours using a 3d program for first time :p

And I didn't even use a reference pic :D