

Companion Cube
Aug 7, 2003
Reaction score
me made mp5k... took a few days on and off and worked from a cople of pics me found on the net... wasnt really botherd bout polly cout and stuff just wanted to make a nice modl. i think there are a few miner mistkes just coz i only really had a side image.. but would like to hear some imput, what you think, improvments and stuff :afro:


  • mp5k3.jpg
    15.6 KB · Views: 375
Man that is damn good, do you have any other angles we could see it from?
hehe just noticed i missed out the trigger... ill make that in a bit :P


  • mp5k4.jpg
    17.2 KB · Views: 335
6000 or so.. but i was trying to make a detailed model so i wasnt really to botherd on the amout of pollys
Goodie, that's nearly as close as reality as one can come... (not that I know exactly how a real mp5 looks like, but I assume its very accurate)
Drop it to around 3000-4000 polys and it might actually be usefull for HL2! Or keep it at 6000, that will probably work too :)
(engines can handle alot more than they set out to handle... Ever tried to use a 21,000 poly rifle, with a 48,000 poly dropship and a 28,000 poly flying carrier in BF1942. This was on all displayed on one screen, at playable speeds (nothing was LODded) :))
i KNOW it's inaccurate in lotsa ways
6000 polies is alot for that kinda detail tho

try looking at some more refpics
6000 is a bit, but I'm diggin all that detail. Fantastic work.

Only thing I would point out is that shading problem on the bottom of the handle.
I have two gripes. Your polygon distribution is all over the map. Parts out in the open like the front sight appear to be six sided tubes, while the barrel which will never be seen has loads of sides making it nice and round. It appears that all of your attention (and polygons, for that matter) went into the front of the weapon, leaving much to be desired in the areas closest to the player. The rear sight especially. Whether or not you care about the polycount is irrelevant if you don't make use of them. You should always make every polygon count.

Aside from that, it does have many inaccuracies (minor, mind you). I have several reference pictures showing some of the more important details like the rear sight that I could upload for you if you want them.
"wasnt really botherd bout polly cout and stuff just wanted to make a nice modl"
ultimately meaning it wouldnt be in a gmae and nowhere near a player.
My mistake. Reguardless of whether it will or not, he asked for input to improve it and that still stands.
yea i know what you mean... but i kinda rushed it at the end to get it finished and missed a few bits out. most isnt optimised and a few bits (bits that look abit square) i forgot to stick on smooth. but ill do them now and see if it looks ne better

i know the barrel and site look a bit squarish but with the 8 sides it was easy to work with and connect the sides up.. i mean im a bit of a n00bie only been using 3dstudio few weeks. so wanted to keep the more complex bits as simple as posibe

yea i see what you mean on the grip but that section is flat on the cople of pics of got of the mp5k.but i dunno why it looks flat coz i tryed to move it about to get that flat bit out but it wernt havinit it

i probly could get the polly cout down quit a bit but coz i didnt really care to much i wasnt really deleting the onces you carnt see inside the model and stuff and most insnt optimised when i can be arsed ill probly get it down abit but model is mostly for show,, but like hearing what people think :D so carry on :P
Wow, that looks really sweet! Could you maybe post a wire, for educational pourposes!
once agian it looks really great!:cheers:
yea i will if you tell me how to render ther wire frame :S or do i just print screen and save it from paint or somthing??