"Mr." Freeman?

Dead-Inside said:
Remind me of the movie Thumbwars. (Parody on starwars).

"Luke... I am your... MOTHEEERRR!!!"

OMG I will like to see that

on topic: the only one who calls freeman "Mrs freeman" is Gman right?
he doesnt have a docterate. He only went to college for 4 years. So hes not a doctor.

edit.. I wasnt taking the above post seriously :p I was just refering to the whole doctor vs. mister issue
slider3005 said:
he doesnt have a docterate. He only went to college for 4 years. So hes not a doctor.

edit.. I wasnt taking the above post seriously :p I was just refering to the whole doctor vs. mister issue

But he graduated from MIT which is primarily a graduate school.
Gordon is called Mr. Dr. And Gordon.....And don't forget the one you never loved hearing in the original.....(soldier voice): FREEMAN!

So as you see he isn't ONLY called Mr.
Kinseek said:
Side-topic: Isn`t Freeman also married or something? If you look inside his closet in #1 you can see a photo of a kid or something. Anyone know what I´m talking about?
if you listen to what the girl says in the tram ride, youd know he has no relatives...
Oh, I thought this is one of those "What if Gordan isn't a Mr.?! What if Gordan is MRS.??!111" -threads..

(yeah, yeah, I know it's Gordon.. I just wanted to be an asshole and say Gordan..)

please could you remove (or in some way bleep) cybernoids post which quotes cadaveca! i assume the original post has been squashed, but the quote still spoils some content.

i didn't want to read that thanks :flame:
japher said:
please could you remove (or in some way bleep) cybernoids post which quotes cadaveca! i assume the original post has been squashed, but the quote still spoils some content.

i didn't want to read that thanks :flame:

Cadavace is making it up. It's not spoiling anything because it's not even remotely true.
Icarus said:
Cadaveca, do not post spoilers

You have been warned

not spoilers...i have no more info than my 3 year-old son has...these are just my guesses as to what may happen...but it's already known that alyx IS NOT gabe's daughter, and i made a mistake.. i posted as much.
i'm not some kid out to ruin the game for anyone...

i though a forum was for discussion of ideas, and this thread was on the MR. Freeman name...

i posted what i thought about how that name came to be, like almost everyone else. maybe you should read MY posts and not the flaming of others.
Icarus said:
Cadaveca, do not post spoilers

You have been warned

all you have done by removing my post is make people think i KNOW what's gonna happen...how come you didn't remove others?

obviously this moderator is not an adult, or he/she would have read my post properly, or added coverage to what was beleived to be a spoiler. outright deletion is not very diplomatic...and frankly quite childish. why have this thread is people cannot post their ideas?
they call him Mr. Freeman because he didnt tell anyone he was a doctor
Judith Mossman says "Dr. Freeman, it's been a real honor."