mr45 (Rifle Model)


Aug 1, 2003
Reaction score
yo, I am back again. After my fn2000 I started work on this. I am actually really glad with how its turned out, anyway ye. Atm its 3100 triangles, but my fn2000 was 3800 and I managed to get it down to 2100 with no lack of detail. So anyway tell me what u think what needs changing, what is done wrong etc.., here it is:




Looks awesome. Now, there's a weapon I wouldn't want pointed at me...
Yes very nice! It might be a biiit too thin, and it might be a little hard to hold the way the handle is formed other than that its purfect!
nice model, but the guy that's gonna get his hand to fit into that holding postition must have very long fingers and a wierd hand ;)
guessing that your aiming for a 2000 polycount, i cant see any way feesable to get that down from 3100, without quite a loss of detail. ive been waiting for those Corporate Anarchy concepts ( amazing as they are ) to be modeled for some time, nice to see someones doing some work around here :p

really nice concept, the obvious places to cut out polies is around the handle and on the magazine, and yes, 'It might be a biiit too thin and it might be a little hard to hold' ahh, but who cares, it looks good :)
ye all credit goes to Quakeulf, he is an amazing concept artists, the model is obviasly done by me. But without him it wouldn't have been made, so :D

Btw, I dunno if anyone is intrested, but (The mode i represent) are looking for a skinner, well infact a couple of skinners/texture artists. If your intrested gimmi a buzz in IRC in the hl2 room or just gimmi a bell on here. We are always looking for extra talant, so if your intrested then ye contact me.

We have quiet long term plans, so we are in it for the long run and I dought very much we will be releasing when most mods do since are mod is just to dam complex. It will be intreting to see how we pull it off with 4/5 coders :D

ow and btw, thanks for all the posative feedback.
well, like i said in irc, great model, though it looks like a horribly designed rifle :p
its not really that badly designed, I mean the only real problem would be the rest on your sholder, this is kinda at the totally wrong angle. I kinda wasn't thinking when modelling it and just following the refrence :p anyway, its only a game anyway :D
Looks great all it needs is a nice laser scope at the top ;).
hehehehe, no one has actually noticed that the iron sights on this gun would have u shotting into the sky :p hehehe, o well :D its the future, u never know. you might need to kill radioactive pidgons :D
ye all credit goes to Quakeulf, he is an amazing concept artists, the model is obvialy done by me. But without him it wouldn't have been made...

Quakeulf from norway?

Great model. I like the design, looks like a funny mix of P and FN series with a tiny touch of alienism :)
Awsome model:
How did you do those inset-ridges on the front(front-ish I should say) part of the model? I don't think they're coming out, so how did you make them inset like that?

Great model!
do u mean having the extruded races gradually bending forward? Kinda like

this > |------/ < to this

If so I used the connect tool after cuting 2 lines at each side, The connect tool created lines in the mech intween the 2 lines I started with. I gave it a value of about 9/12 and then picked out the faces that needed to be extruded and extruded them :p