MS to patent double clicking

lol.... well, microsoft defintly isn't making friends in Europe. this won't help :p
Well correct me if i'm wrong but i do believe they invented it?
[Matt] said:
Well correct me if i'm wrong but i do believe they invented it?

Ya, and I invented twiddling thumbs. You have to pay me 5 cents everytime you twiddle your thumbs now.
and mac invented the usage of windows in an OS-interface, if im not mistaken
some things are just too obvious to be "invented" i think.. sure, they might've first used it, but that's like saying i just invented the "ctrl+shift+P+#+scroll lock" shortcut, cause i just used it..
hey, i might even invent a silly walk and sue people for using it, damnit!

"I'll be in the angry dome!"
urgh...jesus christ, thier greed is just about to explode I think
The whole patent system needs to be completely reworked. Right now there are companies that have patented certain human genes (or so it it was said a couple of years ago), its pathetic.

Where would we be without double-clicking? :O
Where would be without Macs and double-clicking? :O ;)
Aha! Consoles are Macs in disguise! :farmer:
What the .. Didn't really surprise me to be honest, MS are among the most greedy and evil companies there is.
Yeah....its a shame there arent a few major companies that do the same as microsoft (not the money grabbing....the stuff they sell) Then there would be much better competition. To most people, Microsoft is computers....and AOL is the internet. Its all silly really.
Farrowlesparrow said:
But what about the XBox?

Hmmm...XBox = Microsoft's attempt at reverse-engineering a Mac.
Not to worry an open source double click will be out in a few weeks. :)
Thargore said:
and mac invented the usage of windows in an OS-interface, if im not mistaken

You are mistaken, actually, but it's a good point. (It was really Xerox at their Palo Alto Research Center.)

I think most of you know this, but the X-Box runs Windows 2000.
ya sure? somehow it really stick in my head that the apple was the first to come out with an graphical os, while pc's were still running on DOS. well, doesnt matter, you know what i mean..

..macs are just cool
It's true, Steve Jobs visited PARC and supposedly stole the idea for a graphical interface from Xerox's... "Smalltalk"?.
Think so..

"However, mouse-wielding computer users need not worry, as the patent only applies to handheld computers that run Microsoft's PocketPC software, especially the method of bringing up different features depending on how many times a button is pressed."
Its not for Double clicking of a mouse you guys. Its for a hardware button on a limited resource computing device (think Xbox or Pocket PC). Press the Button twice, The program opens and starts a new file, Hold the button down, the program opens and loads the last file.

Edit: Linkage = MS Patent

Oh yeah. And...

:cat: Im a Kitty :cat: