msn virus

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Dec 15, 2004
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just a heads up to everyone

if you get sent this link via msn do not click its a virus

omg this is funny! ** DO NOT POST LINKS TO VIRUSES FFS!!!! **
i got it from 3 seperate people(*looks at roper*) apparently its an ms-dos program, dunno what it does other then spam msn
Hang on, is that the link to the actual virus??!
Haha, if it is, that'd be really funny.

Dun click teh linkz.
I am incredibly angry right now. I just wish that stupidity was a bannable offense. Please, please, tell me that wasn't the actual virus.
Chris_D said:
I am incredibly angry right now. I just wish that stupidity was a bannable offense. Please, please, tell me that wasn't the actual virus.
I was gonna click it and then tell ya, but then I was like:


By the way, try not to be so incredibly angry. If you stroke out, who would be the Lead Editor?!?!

Yea my friend just sent me that, I actually clicked on it too, but I looked at the extension, with the MSDOS thing so i decided not to.
Chris_D said:
I am incredibly angry right now. I just wish that stupidity was a bannable offense. Please, please, tell me that wasn't the actual virus.

Lol, i think the people who clicked the link were more stupid then he was for posting it, after all, he did clearly state it was a virus :rolling:
Yep that was the link to the actual virus!

Anybody know what it does, apart from messaging every contact?
Chris_D said:
I am incredibly angry right now. I just wish that stupidity was a bannable offense. Please, please, tell me that wasn't the actual virus.
You clicked it didn't you....?
It's stupid to overlook people's stupidity :p
Smart smart boy.

Luckly I don't use HA!
Roper said:
Yep that was the link to the actual virus!

Anybody know what it does, apart from messaging every contact?

Christ I allmost downloaded it before I saw the extension was .pif and not .gif :p
Yeah I thought he'd just posteda picture of something the virus does, not the actual virus itself.
yeah some chick on my msn has this, i was away and when i came back there was a file up for me to download named "Beautiful Ass" and the file icon wasn't anything I recognized so I was like lol I called the girl and asked if she had sent me anything and she said I told her she has a virus and then she was I laughed
Anyone that'd open an msdos link kinda deserves a virus :-/
Some_God said:
People still use MSN? Sad. :(
Ugh... tell me about it. You try convincing all your non-pcliterate friends that MSN sucks one, and they just don't get it.

Actually, I use Trillian but I have an MSN account. Trillian is actually good now :)

(actually, MSN itself is a virus ^^)
Chris_D said:
I am incredibly angry right now. I just wish that stupidity was a bannable offense. Please, please, tell me that wasn't the actual virus.

That guy attacked this website by posting a virus. that is bannable.

And I feel that is unforgivably stupid. BYE BYE
Ironically I was posting an html file earlier today (with a silly joke) and they were saying "Why are you sending me a 1kb html? Are you sure this isn't a virus?"

I said "Nah, don't be silly, you can't get viruses this way, it's a joke I made personally, in html"

But later on one of my contacts names was "Don't open the offered file it's a virus"

I just thought they were being stupid (this contact usually is).

And now I hear this.

Ironic and weird day in many ways for Kirovman.

-Also I agree with the above, posting a virus link is an attack on the website: bannable offence.
Errr, wasnt this guy warning us of a virus. And you want him banned now :O

Thats crazie talk! :rolling:
Fair point.

But most of us weren't at threat until he posted the link.

Moral dilemma!

This belongs in the politics forum!

Also why would posting the link to the actual virus be useful, other than for sinister or stupid motives?
why would you bother to post al ink to the virus... instead of just posting a warning
babyheadcrab said:
why would you bother to post al ink to the virus... instead of just posting a warning

Exactly my point. agreed.

Posting a link to a known virus to a place that thousands may read and click is Plain dirty. No one would be sensless enough to do it on accident
Wow this has spread fast, one of the people at school on my list's name just tried to send a file called "me and my lesbian friends.gif" :p
RakuraiTenjin said:
Wow this has spread fast, one of the people at school on my list's name just tried to send a file called "me and my lesbian friends.gif" :p
If its a gif you can open it...
Lol, Watch it was real.
You totally just passed up lesbian porn. Gj XD
Ikerous said:
If its a gif you can open it...
Lol, Watch it was real.
You totally just passed up lesbian porn. Gj XD
Well if it was them that sent it they're not the type of person I thought they were so I assume not, hopefully it was a virus (as bad as that sounds)
Anyone with msn should get a virus lol. My friend just recently got an email with MS BLASTER attached to it...I had to get it off for him but beware attachments
MarcoPollo said:
Anyone with msn should get a virus lol. My friend just recently got an email with MS BLASTER attached to it...I had to get it off for him but beware attachments
Well I have Trillian so I've got every messenger.
I ment who ONLY have msn...because they should die a million deaths by way of computer viruses
I don't think anyone knows what it is as no-one clicks it. (except the person that started this thread)
Blakeb155 said:
I don't think anyone knows what it is as no-one clicks it. (except the person that started this thread)

I was under the impression that some did click it, a moderator in fact.

I believe the link was quickly removed by a moderator.
who is Chris_D right?

it said last edited by chris_d so it must be him/her/it
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