Muar! Shamoo!

I have no sympathy for whale trainers if attacked by the animals they're training. :devil:

Same goes for any type of animal trainer... training animals to do things that they would normally never do.
meh had the trainer been killed and then torn to pieces well that's his fault ..dont go swimming with a giant fish who doesnt want to be there in the first place ...ya I called it a fish
I'm more interested in the advert for FREE APPLE DUMPLINGS at the top of the page. :O
I'm more interested in the advert for FREE APPLE DUMPLINGS at the top of the page. :O

Adblock ftw :D

But yeah, I really don't feel sympathy for him. What they are doing to a killer whale is sad in most ideas.
Adblock ftw :D

:O With Adblock you miss out on "Hot Girls In Your Area," "FREE APPLE DUMPLINGS" and those fun "Squirt the guy in the face games to win a free iPod." They're great fun for passing the time.
Meh, all I got was "US Credit Average" bullshit.....

Is it wrong that I find a guy being attacked by an orca funny? If so, **** you, I think it's funny. As Hell.....Hell yeah.
"Squirt the guy in the face games to win a free iPod." They're great fun for passing the time.
As long as you don't click on them. :D
See, that's the real challenge.

Shamu > all.
Don't click the ads? Why not? *computer crashes* Ah shit.
Don't click the ads? Why not? *computer crashes* Ah shit.

What? You're NOT supposed to click on the ads. Aww ****.

Now lets save this derailed thread heh..too many spam closes recently!

Shamu kicked the guys ass for a reason. "You want me to jump through ANOTHER DAMNED HOOP!? I'M GETTIN' OLD HERE! You jump through it!"
There was this fat Asian girl on the cover of the Homecoming spread in our school newspaper. We didn't know her name, so we just referred to her as Shamoo.
Back on wasnt Shamu, it was another killer whale...
Pop-up blocker lets you click the ads with no fear. Oh those beautiful FREE APPLE DUMPLINGS.

HAha, yeah, I loved doing that. Always playing the games and not fearing popups and spyware...ahhhhh.
When I first read the thread title... up until now, I thought it said Moar! Shampoo!

I was a bit confused about the title, since the thread was about whales.
Park trainers were examining the whale, a female orca named Kasatka, and trying to determine what made her grab her trainer, Ken Peters, Koontz said.

How about keeping it in a big tank all of it's life?

No sympathy for the trainers really. The whales meant to be out in the wild with its own kind. I think I'd tried to kill him too if they kept me in a tank away from my friends/family.
Lets talk about the whale topic more please, ads suck. end...really.

I don't think she was being malicious, animals occasionally get over-excited and do things like this. If a killer whale wanted to hurt you, or kill you, you would be dead. I'm sure most people have seen how they toy with seal cubs, tossing them in the air and hitting them with their tail etc. I hope they don't take any action and everything goes on fine. This whale has been doing it all it's life, and it knew it was doing something wrong when they used the splashing as a command. I hate the title 'may perform again', it's an entire animals life over a relatively small incident. Perspective please!
"Killer Whale Shamu Who Attacked SeaWorld Trainer May Perform Again."

I'm sure the whale is thrilled that Seaworld is seriously considering it's re-application.
It's like that Siegfried & Roy incident where one of them got mauled by a tiger, and everyone acted surprised. Here's a newsflash; IT'S A GOD DAMNED TIGER YOU ASSHOLES!

They're supposed to maul things.
:laugh: *wipes away tear* I hope you've read "Life of Pi"

I remember in London Zoo a long time zoo keeper actually got squeezed to death when an elephant he worked with for 20 years stood on his chest with all its weight crushing his entire thorax :( The animal doesn't mean to kill the person, it doesn't understand. It's best described in that well known mantra. "Even if a Lion could speak the same language as you, you still wouldn't understand it" It's that which should be remembered, an animals points of reference, and everything in it's life is different to us. We'll never truly understand each other.
Glenn's right. Animals will be animals, you can never fully train them, they will act upon instinct from time to time.

Shame we have to make them perform for us though. Or even lock them in cages and what not. I'm sure it's more fascinating to view them out in the wild. Or at least some kind of nature reserve.
I've always wanted to see some bastard have to do the stunts that Shamu does. Take that BITCH.
Iams. Made by people, Made with people, Made for animals.

You gotta admit, it'd be a best seller in the predatory animal kingdom.