MUCH help needed for upcomming mod: HL2: IGI Source

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Project IGI


I am bram, and I am making a mod with a couple of friends and we need MUCH help!
The mod is going to be HL2: IGI Source.
It's about re-creating the old classic game 'Project IGI' (more info about project IGI? click HERE , and HERE )
What we need is

1. Mappers (I am a mapper myself too!)
2. Modellers (is that a word? lol)
3. Texture makers
4. Voice Actors
5. Coders

so lets say that we need a LOT!
Please, if you want to join us, show us some work you did before, because we REALLY want your help!

Ok, now lets look at something we already made. It's still full of bugs and everything, but hey, it's a start!
This are some screenshots from the first level, It's called Trainyard in the original game.
As you can see, we got no great terrain (now i made some terrain myself, but it makes the game VERY laggy,)
So in this map there's still much work to be done, creating terrain, making the custom guard npc's, the lighting.
An other thing we did in the map is making it from day, to night, and adding rain (rain isn't shown at the images)
(oh, p.s. yeah i know, after the second image it says a little picture not found error, don't know why.)



As you can see in the image above, i'm not a hero at making terrain and effects, soo there's another point we need help for. (ignore the banner thing under the image..)

That's what we got for so far.
Want to help? Let us know, post some of your work, an email adress, or contact me by adding me as a friend on steam, my steam id is Brambootjuh, and maybe you can join us!

Hope you can help us,
The IGI Source Team
Wow, Project IGI... I think I played the sequel's demo years ago... it wouldn't run on my machine very well.
Your work looks promising so far, I wish I could help but I can't do anything really... I'm just learning how to properly use Adobe Photoshop.
this is some map practising, I re-created this room, for the little movies between the levels, i only made the room, and as you can see, we need custom skins and tetures! so people, don't be shy, and let us know if you want to join, add me on steam, my steam id is Brambootjuh.

Well here is the picture of my little practice map..

As you can see, we need custom textures, and models+skins! because,,,, alyx does'nt like THAT much like Anya (from Projec IGI) lol :laugh:

So, all help is welcome!
views keep coming but no reply's! come on people! :P:P
we really need your help! :P
The first thing we'll need for now, is mappers,
I made the base of the first level, called Trainyard, so I made the camp, but now we'll need some people who'll do things like the lightning, 3d skybox, (dynamic shadows), and improving bits.
here are some screenshots in hammer editor.
If you can help us, please let us know!

Please , all help is welcome!:angel:
First thing you need is a coder.
Does that imply correcting my abstinence streak or removing my genitalia? I'm more than a bit wary of either...
well, if you ARE a coder, your help is very welcome, and i could give you my steam id, so you can contact my on steam. ;)
I have some voice over experience in amateur(and no-profit) commercials and as a character in a flash game. I have a baritone-alto range and I can do regional American, British and Cantonese Chinese accent. I hope that you can give me this opportunity to let audition for one the characters in your mod.

E-mail : [email protected]

Ong aka Poll
no, sorry pal xD actually no idea, i'm from an other country and don't speak english that much xD

but now i know, it isnt for modding whuahaha xD:laugh::o:laugh::laugh:
but dude, one thing, keep away from my brain xD xD
and speak language that even I can understan xD xD xD
but now we had this, and I know what a lobotomist is,
and i won't need it, hehe:laugh:

but now lets get back to the point

in the first map we made,,, the first level,, we'll still need the costum NPC's , weapon placements, a light expert who makes the lights lol, a terrain expert to do the texturing and brush work of the terrain, and some other stuff, so all help is welcome
here are some screenies again

At least you have got the ball rolling. However you will most likley need a coder too , the most important part , and coders are pretty hard to come by (decent ones at least). Good luck with your project though.
Hey all,
Still there's much help needed
All this help is welcome:
  1. Coders
  2. Level Designers
  3. Modellers
  4. Character Artists
  5. Weapon Artists
  6. Texture Artists
  7. Voiceactors

Some problems in the first map are fixed, still problems with the cubemap entity
Here are some pictures
