MUltiplayer Info Collection


Aug 18, 2003
Reaction score
Just trying to get a clearer picture on the HL2 MP part:

What are actually the facts concerning HL2 multiplyer as reported in the reviews?
Is it that there is no HL DM / TDM for sure?
Or is it that they just did not get it for a review?

And is there a Valve quote or just personal opinions stated ?

Please add your quotes here....
Only multiplayer for hl2 at launch will be CS:S. Later Dod:S will come out.
all reviews so far state that there is no mp apart from cs:s.
if u do a search u will find all the info u need :P

edit: damn, u beat me to it :)
Valve didn't make a multiplayer, they could of extended the squad based combat in city 17 seen in the single player to an excellent multiplayer.....but they didn't.
No, they just opened the hood of CS, took out the V8 and put in a V12
Tiddalick said:
Valve didn't make a multiplayer, they could of extended the squad based combat in city 17 seen in the single player to an excellent multiplayer.....but they didn't.
No, they just opened the hood of CS, took out the V8 and put in a V12

ain't a bad thing to be honest. I played cs in university dorms for 3 years. the best mp game if u play it with the right people.
What is there not to understand?

It's been confirmed that it's only CS. Where is the vagueness in this? It seems to me like some of you people are desparately searching for any scrap of information that says otherwise.

ain't a bad thing to be honest. I played cs in university dorms for 3 years. the best mp game if u play it with the right people.

It's bad because I've played this game for the past five years. If all develope's ran off of what was just popular, you'd get no innovation, and you wouldn't be where you are today. You'd be playing Doom clones again and again and again.
Absinthe said:
What is there not to understand?

It's been confirmed that it's only CS. Where is the vagueness in this? It seems to me like some of you people are desparately searching for any scrap of information that says otherwise.

It's bad because I've played this game for the past five years. If all develope's ran off of what was just popular, you'd get no innovation, and you wouldn't be where you are today. You'd be playing Doom clones again and again and again.

if they tried to make a simple hl2dm i'm sure everyone would have screamed at them for taking them back to the stone age. i think they just concentrated on the sp game and in the end didn't want to make a half hearted effort at a mp just to say the game has it. plus they probably wanna put all their efforts into finishing up TF2 after they're done with hl2.

edit: PCFormat gave the game 96% and called it "The most beautiful moment of game culture on PC, regardless of half-life!!"
sweeeeet :bounce:
Absinthe said:
What is there not to understand?

It's been confirmed that it's only CS. Where is the vagueness in this? It seems to me like some of you people are desparately searching for any scrap of information that says otherwise.

Why is it that I always feel small and silly with your answers?
Maybe you sound a bit... over-confident? :rolleyes:

Man, "'it has been confirmed" is indeed a very precise quote. I was actually interested in facts and quotes from the mags and no 'it'S been confirmed' .

Thanks to all the others, anything more?
Mr-Fusion said:
HAve a read through this thread.
It may provide some clearer insight into the mp situation.



'Does it have multiplayer, if so what are they?
Counter-Strike Source is the multiplayer.
Only CS:S, no Deathmatch? Only CS:S'

seems to confirm that there is no HL DM / TDM /AG kind of multiplayer .... at least in the version he got to play. ;)

Hope's not dying yet....
HL2DM will be modded in, probably within days of release. Get over it.
You never know, this might be Valve's last surprise!!

Only kidding (but it would be good, wouldn't it? ;))
Though since Counter Strike was made originally by a third party as a mod, that technically means that Valve never made/will not make their own MP mode.
God dam CS
As the best ping that I ever get is about 150, Its impossible to play...the one life per round rule means that I can't even have fun with it.
god dam valve, CS isnt everyone's cup of tea, i played the CS:S beta for 2 weeks, and now it sucks, physic's are cool, but its just so repetative it gets bland and playing for hours on end just isnt possible in my shoe's.

Unlike COD multiplayer, there just isnt that addictive element in my opinion. As much as certain people love their guns, it's the plainest multiplayer ever using the nicest engine ever, the two just dont compliment each other.
fluX said:
Why is it that I always feel small and silly with your answers?

Because you're a small and silly little man.
Chode said:
Though since Counter Strike was made originally by a third party as a mod, that technically means that Valve never made/will not make their own MP mode.
Seeing as the creators of CS and DoD work for Valve and even before that they sold their IP to the company then that's not true. It depends on a definition of 'made' that is incoherent.
Tell me,
are ALL the guns useful now? When I last played the rifles were overpowered and the other weapons were crap.
Tiddalick said:
Tell me,
are ALL the guns useful now? When I last played the rifles were overpowered and the other weapons were crap.

There are still useless guns.
What is the point of them then?
Even in HL deathmatch each weapon was useful in its own way...
I will never understand the attraction to that game.
actually unless your refering to pre beta 5 of cs which was absolutly 100% different than the cs you play today than valve did make cs. It's a totally different game than pre beta 5.
Tiddalick said:
What is the point of them then?
Even in HL deathmatch each weapon was useful in its own way...
I will never understand the attraction to that game.

Well, CS WAS fun someway down the road. In the 80s or so. Damn, it's so old - but I have to admit that it can be fun with the right bunch of people.

On inet games CS is mostly pretty lame - so that's why I bet (and hope) that there's a last surprise waiting for us.

No, I won't go " Told u so.. " :o)
fluX said:
Well, CS WAS fun someway down the road. In the 80s or so. Damn, it's so old - but I have to admit that it can be fun with the right bunch of people.

On inet games CS is mostly pretty lame - so that's why I bet (and hope) that there's a last surprise waiting for us.

No, I won't go " Told u so.. " :o)

neither will I, :), but it's quite clear that the mag's where not playing the final release, if they where then it would be out way sooner than November surely, and it would be gold by now.

to be honest I think valve are using the early review's to get a pre public opinion, then they have a month or so to sort out an RC that will improve upon the weak point's, and they might even whack the HLDM in before the final Gold retail version get's the approval.
Maybe I'm the eternal optimist, but I'm still holding for Gabe's "surprise" about the MP in HL2. To me, TF2 seems to be a very quiet subject right now, and that could mean one of two things. Either it's not really in development at all, or it's being released with HL2 or shortly thereafter. Think about it - if Valve has a MP "surprise" that they don't want to get out before the game is released, it makes sense that they wouldn't allow reviewers access to whatever the surprise is. On the other hand, maybe Gable was talking out his butt and there is no surprise anymore. Time will tell.
clarky003 said:
neither will I, :), but it's quite clear that the mag's where not playing the final release, if they where then it would be out way sooner than November surely, and it would be gold by now.

to be honest I think valve are using the early review's to get a pre public opinion, then they have a month or so to sort out an RC that will improve upon the weak point's, and they might even whack the HLDM in before the final Gold retail version get's the approval.

Let's just hope for it. :) My final retail version will be going SILVER btw.

I am still curious if somebody has a full Valve Quote on the MP.
Sth like Gabe in his mighty non-virtual appearance rolling: "NOOOO FOLKS. WE HAD TO DROP MP BECAUSE THE NETCODE GOT STOLEN.". Ok, I am just getting carried away.
Let's just wait and see.. I feel we're in for a surprise..
VALVE rock, they know how to keep us wrapped round their little finger.

Seems like there's definately a plot to these early magazine review's,all part of the plan. Like Ecthe ion said, lets just wait and see.
Yes TF2 is in development and has been since before HL2 the source engne was designed for TF2. It will be released as a seperate game youll have to pay for.
if valve had another mp they woulda've shown it by now, because they will need people to get hyped up about it as well! since some people only play mp games, they r unlikely to buy hl2 if no one says that it has its own mp.
The reality is, even CS:S is an oldstyle game, it's still a heck of a lot more complex and well developed than a vanilla DM mod like was bundled with Doom3. You get much more for your buck. The other thing is that Valve is changing the way games are bundled and sold. They can now start creating new content and modes and deliver them to all their users via Steam as they go: HL2DM, TF2, DOD2, and so on. Buying HL2 is your ticket to all sorts of great MP content, both free and paid.
I really would have loved a UT style HL2DM (with better physics!!). I dont understand why valve decided to keep the old CS. I am tired of that style of mp gameplay (same with many other HL fans). Oh well.. at least the sp wont disappoint :).
harhar said:
I really would have loved a UT style HL2DM (with better physics!!). I dont understand why valve decided to keep the old CS. I am tired of that style of mp gameplay (same with many other HL fans). Oh well.. at least the sp wont disappoint :).

Same. HL2 sp won't be dissapointing for sure. :)
Cynical said:
if they tried to make a simple hl2dm i'm sure everyone would have screamed at them for taking them back to the stone age. i think they just concentrated on the sp game and in the end didn't want to make a half hearted effort at a mp just to say the game has it. plus they probably wanna put all their efforts into finishing up TF2 after they're done with hl2.

edit: PCFormat gave the game 96% and called it "The most beautiful moment of game culture on PC, regardless of half-life!!"
sweeeeet :bounce:

But that is exaclty what they did...made a half-hearted effort at mp (slapping some new paint on an old car - cs and added funky landing boides and said here you go) The game is nearly as old as half-life 1, and while they've now employed its creators, it wasn't even thought up by the true HL designers. It may have been hard work to convert but it is still a pathetic excuse for a mp for a game that was supposed to redefine FPS games. As I recall, HL1 had the same thing, the DM was just added in there, nothing special but people liked it and didn't lower hl1's ratings for it. It is special to me because HLDM was the first online multiplayer I'd ever played and to me, it was absolutely amazing. I was looking forward to recapturing that feeling with the new DM but alas. I just still can't believe they are forcing people to play a mod if they want to do hl2mp.