In any kind of multiplayer game for steam, weather it is a mod or not, it lags somewhat with low fps, always in the red zone using cl_showfps. This includes both HL1 and HL2 multiplayer games weather it is Counter Strike or Source, HL1 DM or HL2 DM etc. This does not involve singleplayer games, they run great like they are supposed to with the kind of system that I have (see specs in sig). An example would be Garry's Mod in singleplayer mode where there is no lag and my fps are always green. But when I create or join a multiplayer game I get lag and terrible fps. This problem is only on steam. I get better frames and ping when playing Battlefield 2 or anything else I have, and my internet connection is not the problem because even when I unplug my internet, go into offline mode, and create a multiplayer game in cs: source, hl2 dm, etc. I get the same results. So basically it seems nothing is wrong with my internet or my computer, it is Steam, but what is making Steam do this? I appreciate any help/comments!