Multiplayer "Supported"?

If they did CS:S as MP, they'd be making a wise move, no matter what people say. It's by far their biggest monetary draw, and you can bet that all the CS kiddies would switch over to it like they did not for CS:CZ.

I still feel like Valve pretty badly did over the people who bought CS:CZ. I mean, think about it: if they had announced that CS:S would be released when HL2 came out, how many people would have bought CS:CZ?
Apos said:
I still feel like Valve pretty badly did over the people who bought CS:CZ. I mean, think about it: if they had announced that CS:S would be released when HL2 came out, how many people would have bought CS:CZ?

90% of the CZ customers have been happy with the purchases since the CZ exclusive updates. Alot of Vanilla CS players are pissed because CS didn't get the same updates :)
Shuzer said:
90% of the CZ customers have been happy with the purchases since the CZ exclusive updates. Alot of Vanilla CS players are pissed because CS didn't get the same updates :)

Hehe, well i actually personally i did like cz but 90% of the people who probably voted on a poll said they liked it now. which is probably about 10% of people who bought it :p I dont like statistics.... but dont listen to me im a loser just balbin :)
90% of the CZ customers have been happy with the purchases since the CZ exclusive updates. Alot of Vanilla CS players are pissed because CS didn't get the same updates

Sure, but if you could wait a few months to buy a massively graphically updated version of CS for, probably, 15$ instead of buying a slightly updated version for 40$?
Gasp! I have an idea...

Lets see.
  • We have a massive map with areas including the seabed, city, sewers etc.
  • We have a system which requires you to be online to play (or atleast, be constantly up to date).
  • We have a mystery about the multiplayer aspect of the game.

What if HL-2 (online) is a type of MMORPG?
I think it means what it says. The ports will be the initial multiplayer aspect and a few months later you can buy TF2 as a seperate game.
Half Life MMORPG? I sincerely doubt it, simply because people who like FPS games will buy HL2, people who like RPG games will buy an RPG.

Personally I hate RPG's so I would be somewhat unhappy if HL2 MP was an RPG, and I think alot of people probably feel the same way.
I don't mean the type of game where it's all menu based slow-stuff, I mean just in the same world... like the game runs normally like in SP, but you can have people help you through hard bits, or have wars against other groups etc, just all in the same world.

I admit it isn't the most plausible, but hey... I'm thinking outside the square! :D
That would be pretty neat if it were some massive city / world, and you selected either combine or resistence or something, and had to defend key parts of the city. The resistence had to move carefully and use gurellia tactics while the combie would have striders and stuff.
Aphal said:
Maybe that was just a funny way to hint at CS:S?
no it was said AGES ago, and he said he had been playing it for months, I think it was said at E3 2003 last year when people doubted they had any MP component.
at this E3 (2k4) Gabe (or was it Doug.. its all mixed up in my head, they spin such bs) they had been porting over CS the last couple months.
therefore it couldnt be the same thing he was playing a year back, unless they are lying again.

same thing bothers me with the whole jeep not having a hood deal.
see the LEAK was stolen after E3 BUT they claimed it was a version PRIOR to the build of E3, and in that leak the Jeep had NO HOOD, people assumed the leak was a hoax because it had no hood, yet at E32k3 there was a hood.

Gabe stated that the Jeep model in particular had been changed after E3 (removing polys and optimizing... yeah right they just removed the cool hood, and pipe on the right side)

therefore, how could the jeep model be the final model we saw again this year (no hood) if the build was prior to E3?
makes no sense, unless what the leak contained was in fact everything that Valve had at the time.

then again who cares.

Apos said:
Hey, you remember this quote too? I've been looking for it: do you remember where you saw it or know where to find it again? I thought it was in the info thread, but I can't seem to find it.
yeah, but I cant find it either, I looked through the Valve info thread to no avail. I think they said it in an interview last year at E3.
I remember it, too... I think he was just playing standard CS and loling to himself as he said "Yeah, I play it (*cough*cs*cough*) every day!"

I am still hoping TF2 is coming with HL2, I know its unlikely, and everyone is saying its impossible, but hey, I can live the dream until HL2 comes out.
Crusader said:
Yeah, they probably shut up about it, because when they said: "Here's CS: Source!" they expected "OMG WOW!" and instead got: "This better not be HL2 multiplayer!"

You know, sadly, I kinda have been wondering about this too.

Gabe said the MP would be something good/unique/awesome (can't remember the exact words, but he hyped it quite a bit).

In that E32004 video he (or whomever was talking..not sure who) made a comment about, "There have been a lot of question about MP...." and CS:Source shows on the screen.

It was said in a way which really seemed like that is what they were hyping...and hoping....would be what people wanted to see and hear about.

I think that's what is bugging people the most: seemed very secret and hyped, so the reality had better live up to the hype...and even though CS is such a big's nothing new and probably isn't what people want from a brand new game.

Haven't been playing a ton of MP over the last couple years and am probably more interested in the SP aspect right now, but man I hope there is something unique and awesome yet to be announced about this.
I don't think there is a mp option on the hl2 menu I saw for the e3 demonstration :O
Hehe...well spotted BHB. I would say you should email them, but they'd probably just do a coverup act anyway.
In my knowledge there are three HL2 editions:

1-SinglePlayer HL2 (£20-25)
2-SinglePlayer+MP HL2 (£35-£40)
3-SinglePlayer+MP HL2 + special posters...etc (£50-etc)

Does that mean there will be mp included with HL2...if so what is it ?
remember e3?didnt they show cs souce?...thats your mp right there...happy?
Gabe Newell has said...

I play The Multiplayer everyday. Fans will love it.
wayne white said:
remember e3?didnt they show cs souce?...thats your mp right there...happy?

No i am not happy.... :( cause 5 years in making to produce just singleplayer ... that is not acceptable.
Gorgon said:
In my knowledge there are three HL2 editions:

1-SinglePlayer HL2 (£20-25)
2-SinglePlayer+MP HL2 (£35-£40)
3-SinglePlayer+MP HL2 + special posters...etc (£50-etc)

Does that mean there will be mp included with HL2...if so what is it ?

I made the same point in another thread.

In the Doug Lombardi interview on IGN, the collectors edition would contain all the source conversion plus hl2 plus posters e.t.c.

I don't think that the normal package which has mulitplayer will have cs: s because doug mentioned that it will be sold seperately or will be in the collector's edition. Hence we have a reason to believe that hl2 might have multiplayer.
lonefox said:
That would be pretty neat if it were some massive city / world, and you selected either combine or resistence or something, and had to defend key parts of the city. The resistence had to move carefully and use gurellia tactics while the combie would have striders and stuff.

that would be kinda like rtcw:et.

I can't wait for the single player, but i won't keep playing it again and again. (currently only playing hl1 sp for 3rd time). hl2mp will keep me coming back, as well as the mods. DOD:S and CS:S will probably not keep my interest all that long. Have they really changed these mod's gameplay all that much? No.
Sure CS:S will look better, but will better graphics with the same gameplay add all that much new life into cs for those who have become bored/aggravated with cs?

btw, will CS:S be like vanilla CS or CS:CZ? I guess I don't know since i didn't buy CS:CZ - is CS:CZ mp much different from vanilla CS? If so, would people who have bought CS:CZ revert back to the old gameplay that may be in CS:S?
songwriter said:
Gabe Newell has said...

I play The Multiplayer everyday. Fans will love it.

Incorrect. "Half-Life 2's multiplayer is something we're not talking about because we want to keep it as a surprise for our customers as we roll into our launch cycle. I play it every day. I think it's going to be very popular with the community."

Well, could it still be a suprise because we aren't around the launch cycle or are we? Secondly, very popular with the community? CS:S doubt. As much as i will live the dream as to TF2 being included until we all find out.
remember e3?didnt they show cs souce?...thats your mp right there...happy?


didnt you read what Rick Ellis said,, thats the only one they have announced and they happened to decide to do that at E3, out of 3 or 4 different types planned to be announced

and OMG you people who think CS:S is HL2's multiplayer., valve would be wack not to include the standard HL2 multiplayer. They know alot of us loved it :) besides most fps games come with their own built in code for MP

if you look on the desktop in the e3 2004 vid its a seperate Icon,, the build of HL2 hasnt been finished yet, and will have its built in multiplayer added.
DOD Source & TFC source were also confirmed were they not?

I remember them saying that all the offical HL1 mods were converted. :)
I've said this in another thread, but I think it's a good enough idea to repeat. Everyone knows that Valve is trying to be innovative with HL2. So what could be more innovative than shipping without MP in the box? Now before your eyeballs explode with rage, let me continue my thought. So instead of MP on the disc, what if when you first log onto Steam to verify your keycode you were presented with the choice of 5 or 6 different and distinct MP games (TF2, CS:S, HL2 deathmatch, etc.) and you could download one of those for free? This makes some sense. Why would VAlve mention there are so many different MPs if they weren't goign to offer them a la carte on Steam? The only problem I see with it is people on 56k, but they're probably not playing as many MP games anyway. I don't know, this theory seems as likely as any other...
There are so many different things valve could do, we really wont know until they officialy announce it.
Ide be happy with HL2 Multiplayer if it had a TDM style and a objective one full stop.

Any multiplayers MODS wuld b a bonus imo.