Multiple Skins

Fluffy Kitten

Nov 8, 2003
Reaction score
OK, I've spent the past 2 hours trying every suggestion I could find on the internet, and none of them have helped, so I turn to you forums... please help. :)

I'm trying to compile a model with multiple skins so they can be triggered to change in Hammer, however the model viewer is having none of it. In the .qc I have :

$texturegroup skinfamiles
{ "b_zero" }
{ "b_one" }
{ "b_two" }
(It goes on down to b_nine, then repeats with w_zero and so on... there are 20 skins in all)

When I compile it and look at it in the model viewer, I get a list of skins to choose from from "Skin 1" to "Skin 20" but no matter which one I choose, it stays on b_eight (The one I unwrapped the model to originally).
HLMV says the model has 1 Material and 20 Skin Families. I assume that needs to be the other way around, but have no clue how to do it.

Things I remember trying :
Changing "skinfamilies" in the above code to anything else. (No effect)
Removing the "skinfamilies" so it just says $texturegroup. (The compiler crashes)
Reducing the number of skins. (Just a change in the number of "Skin Families")
Changing the list to { "b_zero" "skin0"} and so on. (No effect)
Changing the {'s to ('s. (It ignores the skin)
Crying in IRC. (No effect)
Changing the list so it's all on one line seperated by commas, ie/ { "b_zero", "b_one", "b_two" }. (They all get counted as one skin family)
Rearranging a few things in the .qc. (No effect)
Adding $staticprop to the .qc (No effect)

I've Googled as best I can, but I've hit a wall. :(

Thanks in advance for any helpful replies.



One more thing for the list :

Posting a thread asking for help on the forums. (I came up with the solution less than 3 minutes later)

It never fails... posting a "please help" thread causes me to have "that one last idea" that solves everything.

Just for anyone with the same problem who stumbles across this in the future, the texture you unwrapped the model to has to be the first one on the list. In my case :
$texturegroup skinfamiles
{ "b_eight" }
{ "b_zero" }
{ "b_one" }
{ "b_two" }

I rock at looking stupid.