Music in HL2


Feb 17, 2004
Reaction score
I was just thinking HL2 would be better with a more cinematic, orchestral soundtrack (for certain scenes anyway) than the rather dull music in its prequel. What are your thoughts/rumours on HL2's music?
i think its great sounds awesome....!!!!! rules...hi welcome to first post!!!...welcome to forums
yeah, i thought HL1 music was cool, and with all the soundscape stuff theyre talking about im sure HL2 will have very good music
I love the music when the action gets know thats going to be present in the sequel.
From what we've 'seen' so far, it looks like it'll be a subtle mix between techno and possibly classical. This is a good thing.
Yeah, I looked at all of the Binks and I must say the music is AMAZING! There are some real toe tappers. Just listen in on the Binks and try to tone out everything else. It's techno mania.
the HL1 music rocked, like Nuclear Mission Jam, it's start of slow then goes into techno.
Although I didn't think much of the ambience, Tracks 2 and 16 (can't recall the actual names) were quite impressive. Track 24 wasn't too bad either (credits theme). There are others I can't quite recall, and the Op4 music wasn't half bad either.

Wonder how HL2 will turn out...
Hurricane strings from HL1 is definately one of my favorite battle music pieces.
Theres two songs in the highly illegal beta, and they sound great i actually made a mix with a sound editor with one track, and I put sounds from the first HL and the HL2 Beta. It was my first sound editing project so it sucks but i like it, even though I don't feel like finishing it now.
The music goes well with the feelings when you play the game. It's a background music, not an MTV hit.
Techno, ambient , stuff seems to be the main genre in the HL2 music. And the only thing I can say about it is : IT F**KING ROCKS!
Well, i liked the first ones music very much so. Kelley Baley is very good at what he does. i myself make music, including ambient peices. i can know how tough it is.
Liniage 2 got the Seattle Orchastra to do their music, very cool indeed.
Jurassic park: Tresspasser, orchestra. it adds alot of feeling, same as tekno but it inquires a diffrent mood......i dont know if you guys know what i am talking about, some of you do i am sure
oh yeah..what are you guys talking about..Binks???
you guys want some really good gaming music?
Sonic Mayhem, they did alot of quake
Trent Reznor (Nine Inch Nails) dide alot of quake too, he was also working on the Doom3 project, but he quit becuase Mr. Freaking-I-work-with-NASA(John Carmak) was too busy playing with his rockets then building whats more important to us
lets hope Mr. reznor returns to the Doom project.
Personally I'm not a big fan of techno (except jungle/gabber genres), but the music from Half-Life1 was a major execption. I loved every minute of it, and from the videos I've seen of HL2, it appears it's even better than before. Absolutely amazing stuff, it really gets you into the game and I imagine without the sound helping the experience, it would be extremely dull.
What strikes me is that the music changes beat and tones of HL2 depending on the situation. for example, the barricade vid, the music winds up just before the battle, it changes during the battle (More beats), and when your creaping around the side, the music slows down, then you enter battle again, and builds up. Its dynamic, like the map itself.
Abom|nation said:
From what we've 'seen' so far, it looks like it'll be a subtle mix between techno and possibly classical. This is a good thing.

lol, personaly, I don't consider techno a "good thing" .. :p

But, hey - if its offset by classical, I'm sure it will be ok ... maybe ... hoping ..
Silver.Fox said:
lol, personaly, I don't consider techno a "good thing" .. :p

But, hey - if its offset by classical, I'm sure it will be ok ... maybe ... hoping ..

Yeah, techno's shite. Techno plus classical is a good thing, though!
rap is is shyte, tekno is good. but their is a huge wide veriaty of tekno you dont even know about. close minded ness is a downfall.
Hexx said:
rap is is shyte, tekno is good. but their is a huge wide veriaty of tekno you dont even know about. close minded ness is a downfall.

Everyone prefers different styles of music, I just happen to hate Techno... I'm not close-minded, I just have another variation of tastes from you.
The best thing about the HL1 music was the names...

"Hard Technology Rock" , "Diabolical Adrenaline Guitar" , "Dimensionless Deepness" , "Klaxon Beat" and our old fave "Nuclear Mission Jam"
rap is is shyte, tekno is good. but their is a huge wide veriaty of tekno you dont even know about. close minded ness is a downfall.
I love how you say flat out that rap and country are beyond redemption, and then come back with a suggestion that we should be open minded.

I don't like rap, I don't like country, I don't often like techno; but you have to appreciate them and the talents they require (please don't ask me about rap and talent. Talented rapper is an oxymoron). Not to mention appreciate that your opinions are your own and not everyone else's.
Half-life had some great music, especially since you can actually play the disc in any cd player. I listen to it quite a bit.
Plus, it's techno from (before?) 1995. The fact that it's from then and in a game, and is still awesome is quite surprising.

Also, the track names do kick the butt. :)
Mechagodzilla said:
Half-life had some great music, especially since you can actually play the disc in any cd player. I listen to it quite a bit.
Plus, it's techno from (before?) 1995. The fact that it's from then and in a game, and is still awesome is quite surprising.

Also, the track names do kick the butt. :)

1997 - 98 My guess. But yeah its definately still awesome stuff.
Didn't the game come out in 1995, or am I just confused...

Oh yeah, HL2 is five years in production. Confused I am then.
Mechagodzilla said:
Didn't the game come out in 1995, or am I just confused...

Oh yeah, HL2 is five years in production. Confused I am then.

If my memory serves me right Half-Life was released late 1998 after checking the awards page I might be correct if not so be it. Allthough the music could have been created years previous.
It takes good music for me to really notice it in a game.

I never really noticed HL's music.

I hope I enjoy the new stuff in HL2.
I usually turn off the music in games, esp if the game has a lot of good ambient sound effects which the music overpowers. Adds to the 'realism' of the game, unless a mp3 player and headphones is standard kit for soldiers, black ops etc etc.
You have nothing to worry about i nthe soundtrack department, and if you dontl ike certain tracks you can just use acustom one instead :thumbs:
Abom said:
Yeah, techno's shite. Techno plus classical is a good thing, though!
ever listen to any rob dougan? i wouldnt call him techno, and i actually dont know what to classify him under(nor would i want to, i dont like to place my music into categories that the media tells me) but ive heard it refered to as neo-classical, which sums it up pretty good. i suggest you check it out. you will no doubt recognize it from the matrix movies.
kaf11 said:
ever listen to any rob dougan? i wouldnt call him techno, and i actually dont know what to classify him under(nor would i want to, i dont like to place my music into categories that the media tells me) but ive heard it refered to as neo-classical, which sums it up pretty good. i suggest you check it out. you will no doubt recognize it from the matrix movies.

Yep, he's exactly the stuff I'm talking about. The Don Davis/Juno Reactor songs from the Matrix movies are excellent, as well.
I think Valve worked very hard to keep the same feeling of the music from HL1. I think they did an excellent job, and it sounds even more Half Life-y. Ever listen clostly to the tunnels video? They implemented piano notes into the song. Only in Half Life would you hear a piano!!! AWSOME!!!
my favorite track was the music the played when you first see gonarch in hl1
yeah, i love rob dougan, some of the HL2 stuff ive heard sounds a bit like it, with the build ups and softer parts as well.
kaf11 said:
yeah, i love rob dougan, some of the HL2 stuff ive heard sounds a bit like it, with the build ups and softer parts as well.

If Rob Dougan made any other songs or they are available for download, could anyone grab me a link? Kinda interested in hearing some of his other stuff
Most of the songs in the matrix revolutions and reloaded are done by him(I think).