Musical Instruments....?

May 15, 2003
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I was wondering how many people on these here forums play musical instruments.... simply because music is a big part of my life :)

I play:


and am planning to learn Acoustic guitar soon, and purchase a variable-speed turntable :)

I'm in two bands, the first is just me and a few mates, we play just boring pop-punk covers, but we have a laff doing it, the second is much more serious, and we havn't really got all our equipment yet, but this is what we have:

Me: Bass Guitars, Vocals, Keyboards, Samples
Jake: Keyboards, Vocals, Drum Machine, Samples
Owen: Electric Guitars, Acoustic Guitars, Vocals, Samples

We are currently thinking of getting a few more members, one of which is a Trumpet player. The music we will be playing will be very different :)

I'd just like to know about other bands and musicians too :D
I play electric guitar and I'm in a band.. sorta.
Well, at the moment it's just me and my mate who plays guitar as well, but we have a few songs worked out and we will be getting a drummer and bass player as well.
My mate and I are also a piss take band and we make fun out of many songs/bands and we have done an album not that long ago.
The same friend is also in a band called Slave to the Oppressor (, you can donwload one of their songs (Simple Minded Home) from, but the quality isn't good because it was recorded off of a tape. I will also be uploading some more of their songs at some point if anyone's intersted.
I play Piano, Keyboard and the guitar but im crap at the guitar :(

Good on the piano so that makes up for it ;)
Yeah. Im a musician.

Triangle all the way for me.

Actually. I tried piano. Didnt get to far with that. Then i moved onto guitar. Did that for a while, did ok to. But i got a bit bored, then i got myself a bass. I like bass :)
I can play bass and guitar a little, but now it's mostly piano.
Guitar, bass (any half decent guitarist can :p), harmonica, drums (well, I like playing drums, doesnt mean i'm any good).

I'm in a band - we play mostly rock/punk/ska kinda music. Hopefully we'll have a few mp3's soon, so you can all listen and say 'oo'
8 year drummer. In and out of bands like crazy. I enjoy just playing by myself, making beats and such. Or, when my "gangsta" friends come over I set a beat for them to freestyle to. Love drumming.
I play drums in a emo rock band. I've been playing for 5 years now.
I can play, the keyboard, the recorder and the spoon :p

I'm not really a musically talented person...although the spoons are fun

EDIT: Yes, the recorder was manditory for me too, in my old school... ( i couldn't be bothered making another post just to put this in so its here)
I played the recorder when I was in the 3rd grade.
It's kind of mandatory here in sweden... atleast it were back then...
Then I tried the Saxophone and after that the Guitar (Acoustic).
Then I realized that I had no musical talent what so ever. :E
Drummer of two years now. Still learning, on my own ^^ I really need an instructor so I can see what I'm doing wrong :D
I've been playing guitar for, must be at least a year and a half and I'm just getting to the point where I really enjoy just sitting and making up anything. Also, I had piano lessons but stopped when the piano teacher and I had a disagreement. Basically he said "If you can't do this then there's no point in carrying on your lessons." and I was convinced I could do this thing and the more he had a go at me, the less I wanted to do it so I said "OK then." and that was the end of that. In a weird coincidence (yeah right) my brother decided to stop playing that day too. I don't think he ever wanted to, but he couldn't stand the thought of me having something he wasn't having.
Anyway, since Siirolon, I think it was, posted a picture of some drums, I'm using this as an excuse to post some pictures of my kit.
My guitar -
My amp -
I'd post a pic of my drums but they're shite. My snare sounds like a cat caught in a vacuum cleaner :/

Here's a pic of my dream kit :) Built on the pearl website, pretty cool thingy ma jig there.
I have an electric guitar but I can't play it, im going to learn pretty soon.
My dad has a electric guitar, I play sometimes but I'm not too good. Only had a years lessons back when I was... 13, then I gave up. That's why I love drums so much, lessons didn't ruin it for me :/
I play bass

MY GEar:
Mexi fender jazz
ERnieball musicman stingray

All you shitty bass players, can you play guitar, I dont want your competition:cheese:
I've played the piano since I was 3, but mainly I'm a composer. I do a lot of filmic orchestral stuff.... next year (when I'm out of school) I'll be trying to get work as a composer and sound guy in some game companies, which should be very cool, provided I can pull it off.
Posted: Tue Aug 05, 2003 5:45 pm Post subject: Guitar Combo amp for sale Delete this post


I am selling my JM150 with J8 footcontroller for $500. The amp models all the classic and newer style amps over the past 40+ years. Can power two 4x12 cabs if you disconnect the two included inside. I listed the amp in "good" condition mainly because of a small tear in grill cloth(1" x 1") and the page knob is missing(the pole is still there and can be just as easily used as if the knob piece itself was there). Other than that the amp is great shape and sounds wonderfull. I wont go further into details on the amp because if your reading this then you probably know alot about them already.

THe amp itself:
The J8 pedalboard:

I am really firm on the price since the J8 is included.
[email protected]

(location nashua NH)
I've played piano for...10 years, started when I was 6 yrs old. I quit lessons a couple of years ago though. I can also play accompaniment for's nice when you get paid....
been playing guitar for about four years now... first song i ever learned was deftones my own summer (shove it) after that i made it my mission to learn all deftones and system of a down songs and i have, but now deftones just released a new cd and my amp is fried :(