

Staff member
Dec 31, 2004
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This is a thread for anything weird about your's or a friend's body.
I can pop my thumbs out of place.
My right big toenail is brown and thick and it sheds every few years.
One of my dad's toenails has a nerve in it so when he cuts it he feels it being cut.
I never really found out why but my grandfarther had to soak his feet in detol.
I shall be the first to say this and stop whatever joke you might be thinking of.

My penis is big.
i am double jointed in my elbows or soulders, or wrists can work it out,

legs can fold up n wrap around beinhd ma head
I can see noob people in CS all time ;(

edit: j/k... well I HAVE seen one person with 3 arms, (the third arm was in his back ) ... fooking scary shit M8. :burp:
Two of my toes are stuck together a bit. Well, 2 on each foot.
my tongue extends down way past the bottom of my chin. I'm doublejointed in all my fingers, both shoulders, and my ankles. I can vibrate my eyes at very high speeds. I can crack pretty much every major joint in my body (including my vertebrae). Strong impacts (i.e. being punched in the face) tend to unhinge my jaw. I can eat massive amounts of food and stay slim. I too have a (very) large penis.

I can unhinge my jaw too, and I can move my eyes independantly. Plus, I can get my fingers under my ribs.
I can do what I want with my eyes, except face opposite directions. I can move just one eye, either eye, wink either eye, vibrate my eyes very fast (i know a few people that can do that).
Whenever I yawn, I burp in a weird kinda way. Not really sure if thats a mutation though. :p
RakuraiTenjin said:
I can bend my thumbs backwards completely.

My friend has three niples
Um... I dont think we needed to know that...
Lol, I know but thats just weird... and uh... boy or girl :p..

I'm weird i can feel my duodenum filling with food and emptying.
I can walk on my toes bent forward for a long time.
I can bend my thumb backwards over the back of my hand.
I have a lump on my neck that moves around if i prod it about.
Im not agile or particularly fit, but i can put my legs behind my head.

Thats all, if we were in the middle ages i'd have been burnt by now :(
Er, I have a rather large lump in the back of my skull, just above my spine.
MikeL15 said:
Lol, I know but thats just weird... and uh... boy or girl :p..

A guy.

And yes it is my friend. Believe you me, if I had the third nipple I'd be the person to (no pun intended) milk it for all it's worth.
hehe, i have quite a few........
My eyes are different to that of normal humans, different colours.
They both are increadibly good eyes and i have better vision than most humans, if i concentrate on the eye that has the strange colouration (extra bloodflow) it allows me to get an even more focused image, happens to be my right eye so it's damn useful when using a gun sight.

My body tends to heal/repair/gain muscle much faster than it is supposed to, my body has always been increadibly good at quick change.
Put it this way when training for the marines when i started i could only bench press about 70kg after 5 months of training i could bench press 120kg

I have an extremely sensetive sense of smell, i can smell things that most people can't......sometimes it is annoying when something is strong as it hurts my nose or can make me feel ill but i can literally smell everything around me, i can smell humans coming from perfume or body odour e.t.c, it does come in handy.

I can hold my breath for just under 3 minutes, i think this might be due to the size of my lungs, i've got more lung capacity than a 1980's ford granada ghias 2.8litre engine displacement.
I have a collapsed rib... word of advice kids: never skate in front of oncoming traffic! :(
Yay! I can do this weird thing with my middle and index finger
It's kinda hard to describe...
I can snap them together really fast and make a snapping noise
I can do something else but you cant really describe it, you have to see it
ne0_shiny said:
Yay! I can do this weird thing with my middle and index finger
It's kinda hard to describe...
I can snap them together really fast and make a snapping noise
I can do something else but you cant really describe it, you have to see it

The finger-snapping thing has got to be one of the most annoying things I have ever seen/heard/etc.
I can collapse my diaphragm, then split apart my rib cage to unleash a creature from within that will shock and horrify any that dares to look at it.

Oh. And I have a sixth toe on my right foot! (not really)
I can wiggle my ears, which is pretty common. I can crack 30 joint thingers in my hands, 10 in my toes, can crack a lot of parts of my back, as well as my neck, jaw, elbows, wrists and ankles, cant crack my knees :( . I have a weird bump under my skin about 3 cm from the bottom of my left eye, been there as long as I can remember, it's very solid/hard and I don't know what it is. I can also turn loaves of bread into fireballs of damnation which can be used up to fourteen(14) times against innocent men, women and/or children.
My bro's leg is covered with lots of dots. No idea why...
The DemonWithin said:
I can wiggle my ears, which is pretty common. I can crack 30 joint thingers in my hands, 10 in my toes, can crack a lot of parts of my back, as well as my neck, jaw, elbows, wrists and ankles, cant crack my knees :( . I have a weird bump under my skin about 3 cm from the bottom of my left eye, been there as long as I can remember, it's very solid/hard and I don't know what it is. I can also turn loaves of bread into fireballs of damnation which can be used up to fourteen(14) times against innocent men, women and/or children.

/me drags TDW to a Political conscript detention facility for reprocessing and anti-magic treatment
I am incredebly strong!

Oh wait, thats not a mutation.

But I do heal really fast - cut my finger, the next day theres nothing there.
Go to the circus ya freaks :P

j/k. I can stay awake for stupidly long times - I've been awake 3 days so far, and it's 4:05AM right now - headed for another long day at school. I've had two power-naps (15 minutes) and one hour-nap. EDIT: Okay, and two and a half pots of coffee, fine :P

And I can teleport. BAMPF!
I was born without some kind of bone where my thumbs begin, so I can displace when I want to.
I have a wierd bump on my finger that never goes away.
my hair grows FAST

i cut my hair to the 1cm required for my continued well-being in the horrible prison of that they call a school, a week later its like 6+cms and i'm being draged to the gym for punishment with baseball bats.

alot of Marokkan people are unabrows

PS: I have enormously strong bones, trow me of a second storage building and I wont break anything, only bruise everything.

(doctor told me)