I'd like to know if it's just my GF3 or why doesn't the muzzleflash produce light?
When I fire a gun in the pitch black it stays dark. Which is pretty retarded, I might add..
Your experiences with the muzzle flash in D3? :imu:
The first one controls the muzzle flash and the second one controls the light projected by things like the plasma orbs from the plasma gun. I put the game on medium quality and then went into the config file and turned on as much stuff as I could until I found a good balance of FPS vs graphic quality.
I had been wondering the same thing myself. I would also like to add how impressed I am with the game even on my GF3Ti500 - can run it on Medium with virtually no slowdown or on High with slowdown only when in the largest rooms, both at 800x600. Anyway, thanks for the info - I thought maybe they had just left the muzzle flash out of d3
edit: although I never noticed the muzzle flash or projectile lights when I have played on High