MW3 MP trailer

why all the epic music?

Because Call of Duty is epic with all of the explosions, guns, helicopters, mines, grenades, car bombs, turrets, perks, grenade launchers, nukes, ac 130s, attack choppers, emps, and remote controlled cars.
It looks the exact same but with more killstreaks. Does that tank at the end even do anything or does it just sit there? Also looks like they fully endorse quickscoping now.
I had to put in actual, physical effort to make it to the end of that. Good lord.

thanks for the share. Glad it got the M rating and will have some gore porn too!
Graphics look really good, gameplay looks really bad.
Oh man the W flipping to an M at the end was SO clever.
Graphics look really good, gameplay looks really bad.

Graphics look good? I thought they looked pretty mediocre, but what bothers me are the animations, especially death animations, which look out of place and the transition seems rough.
My two favourite things about this:

1. Individual soldiers now have so many perks, killstreaks, specialisations, and equips, that the game cannot be anything but a protracted series of random rock-paper-scissors encounters with no coherence or extended gunplay.
2. The last guy gets shot in the back, and recoils backwards.

I feel bad for Activision right now. That will probably change the next time Kotick opens his mouth, but until then... actual sympathetic pity, here.
Graphics look good? I thought they looked pretty mediocre, but what bothers me are the animations, especially death animations, which look out of place and the transition seems rough.

Its mainly the character models that look good. 2:28 for instance. But yeah, the animations are dumb.
Looks exactly the same as COD4, except terrible with all of the balance destroying killstreaks and perks.
i, too, had trouble making it all the way through that trailer. i was thrown right from the instant that - should i care about all the gimmicks each player can have attached to them - i would have to pause the trailer just to read all of them, and even still i know right away that there are only so many times you can call a HELICOPTER WITH GUNS or a SENTRY TURRET THAT SHOOTS PEOPLE something ridiculous and it's not going to win me over any less than they did when they were exploited in MW2.
I'd rather play CS 1.6 in a clan server, and die 100 times.

No seriously I mean I used to have a soft spot for this series but it looks actually literally exactly like MW2 with a few extra bells and whistles.

No seriously I mean I used to have a soft spot for this series but it looks actually literally exactly like MW2 with a few extra bells and whistles.

And NOW with a yearly subscription! :thumbs:
You could write sagas on how bored I am with CoD these days.

It truly angers me that people keep buying it each year when it's clearly nothing new...AGAIN. Then they bitch and moan about it. Like they have some gag over their eyes which is ripped off on release date and only THEN do they get to see what they've ''paid'' for here in the UK with OUR/MY TAXES via their benefits..err I mean..parents at x-mas, yeah that's it, parents...

I will however rush like a Charger to my PC on the day Battlefield 3 comes out. Could be my first day off work feigning sick leave at my new position. ''Yes, one chesty cough, k thx bai.''
Activision love running games into the ground and ruining a good franchise. Its a really shame really when they release games like this year in year out it just dies. People quickly get bored, sales slump and they disband the studio. They just dont care, they have made their money from this now and im sure it will go down the same route as rockband.
Multiplayer games are so shite these days. There hasn't been a good "proper" shooter since UT2004. And nobody plays that anymore. UT3 was the last game out that wasn't a crappy military game and it was utter garbage. I got me a brand spanking new PC and all I play online is Quake Live. Which is exactly what I was playing online 12 years ago, only it was called Quake 3...
It is kind of neat, if we ignore the cheesy chatter and wtf was up with the soldiers charging Price at the end, did they run out of ammo :?

BTW, I always wonder how such errors are made - I know most people won't catch that, but the Karkonosze Mountains are in Poland and the Czech Republic, not in Ukraine. How the hell does someone choose a specific location and make a mistake like that - I'm guessing they wanted the action to take place in Ukraine, so the most obvious course of action if you want to specify further is to take a map and choose something from there, no?
^^ 5:38 on Bad Hats video - Bill from L4D never died.
Figures they would kick it off with something that isn't the game itself :v
What is it that offends people so much about the CoD franchise? Did Activision pee in your soup or kick your dog or something?

Anyway, yeah, looks like more of the same, but that's pretty much the only complaint about this series that really has any merit. I could just not buy it because it will be the same game with only a couple more things, but I still will because they are fun regardless. Why does my decision to do that, along with millions of other people, make others so goddamn butthurt?

And that promo video was pretty sweet.
It's copy-paste, it's lazy, it's accidentally unbalanced, it's purposefully unbalanced, it's bombastic nonsense, it's soulless, it's controlled and published by profiteers (a step up from "businessmen"), and it's popular enough to poison the evolution and industry of game design via the network effect. It's not that Call of Duty peed in my cheerios, it's that each iteration of the franchise in the past four years has basically been a differently coloured box, the release of which goads roughly a third of gaming journalists and the online community to loudly and oppressively declare all other games shit, in the face of their continued subscription to disorganised, meaningless violence and jingoistic military fantasy.

That said, COD4:MW3 at least looks more polished and slightly less environmentally restrictive than its predecessor.
Man, this shit looks awesome. Before you go all Roger Ebert on the videos' ass, remember what the **** it is. It's a promotional film for a goddamn video game, haha.

Funny thing, it still out does the Tears of the Sun quality shit that passes for actual serious cinema in the last decade. I'm enjoying this marketing campaign almost as much as I will whoring the MP with my CoD: Elite subscription. Not even trolling.

That campy video was hilarious and epic. More more more!!!

note: Price is a noob and uses 2nd chance perk
Oh no, someone disagrees with the majority, what a shithead!
Except the majority of gamers like COD as much as he does. But everyone knows the majority of people are shitheads.
That looks like a really good movie, when's it coming out?
I only watched less than 10 seconds of that trailer, and lol at the Call of Duty XP event by Xbox. What a load of shit.
for me CoD is fun because everyone at work plays together on XBL.
quality wise BF3 will be better though
Anyway, yeah, looks like more of the same, but that's pretty much the only complaint about this series that really has any merit.

As someone who played and enjoyed most entries in the series up until now, that's not really true either. The series has been trading finesse and balance for bombast and personal gratification for a while now. Even just looking over Infinity Ward's contributions (because **** Treyarch anyway), you can see a gradual decline into quantity over quality, a multitude of gadgets over a small selection of refined tools; essentially trading a good, well thought out game for a satisfying but ultimately shallow one. (By the way I'm mostly talking about the multiplayer if you couldn't tell. Maybe you're more into the solo campaigns but then you'd just be wrong. :>)

So yeah, even though I enjoyed the core gameplay, "like the last one but with more stuff" is completely unappealing to me.
That looks like a really good movie, when's it coming out?

Mini-series that will continue throughout the CoD product life cycle (following primary games, not the Treyarch ones). More episodes to come.