MW3 MP trailer

As someone who played and enjoyed most entries in the series up until now, that's not really true either. The series has been trading finesse and balance for bombast and personal gratification for a while now. Even just looking over Infinity Ward's contributions (because **** Treyarch anyway), you can see a gradual decline into quantity over quality, a multitude of gadgets over a small selection of refined tools; essentially trading a good, well thought out game for a satisfying but ultimately shallow one. (By the way I'm mostly talking about the multiplayer if you couldn't tell. Maybe you're more into the solo campaigns but then you'd just be wrong. :>)

So yeah, even though I enjoyed the core gameplay, "like the last one but with more stuff" is completely unappealing to me.

Okay, point taken. The increasing focus on killstreaks over the necessity of balance in order to reward those that play day & night is certainly more apparent. I wouldn't personally say that Infinity Ward's contributions to this have ever frustrated me, but I accept that it has gotten worse since MW1.

But then you have posts like this:

It's copy-paste, it's lazy, it's accidentally unbalanced, it's purposefully unbalanced, it's bombastic nonsense, it's soulless, it's controlled and published by profiteers (a step up from "businessmen"), and it's popular enough to poison the evolution and industry of game design via the network effect. It's not that Call of Duty peed in my cheerios, it's that each iteration of the franchise in the past four years has basically been a differently coloured box, the release of which goads roughly a third of gaming journalists and the online community to loudly and oppressively declare all other games shit, in the face of their continued subscription to disorganised, meaningless violence and jingoistic military fantasy.

That said, COD4:MW3 at least looks more polished and slightly less environmentally restrictive than its predecessor.

which remind me of a homeless man with spittle in his beard, screaming conspiracy over his shopping cart filled with garbage at tourists passing by. Bolded are the sections I find particularly bizarre, paranoid, and baseless. Particularly the conspiracy that a popular game series such as CoD somehow poisons the industry and ruins the quality of gaming in general. I just do not understand such a weird-ass ****ing concept.
COD's success causes other developers to copy it, reducing the variety in FPS games. This reduction in variety reduces the number of FPS games purchased by each consumer as a result of product comparison (which is where the network effect comes in -"I could get X, but all my friends play Y"; "I could get Z but all my friends are still playing Y"). This results in low sales of copycat games, which itself causes short-sighted businessmen to think the game wasn't "good enough" when the problem is that it wasn't different enough. I guess you take issue with the word "poison", so substitute whichever economic or social synonym you like. COD's success has suppressed genre innovation overall.

Also I'm not sure why you take issue with me calling COD "bombastic nonsense" and "soulless". It's pretty much just a fact about the last four iterations in the series. Listen to how the developers talk about their games.
Particularly the conspiracy that a popular game series such as CoD somehow poisons the industry and ruins the quality of gaming in general. I just do not understand such a weird-ass ****ing concept.

I've explained this in more depth once before, and I don't feel like doing it again, so I'll just give the short version. The successes of COD4+ in terms of sales leads to the game becoming an example other developers/publishers want to follow. There is a reason why nearly every single online shooter since has had numerous, significant similarities to COD. It has set the trend we've been on for years now, and has stifled innovations, and resulted in dregs of mediocre to piss-poor games. Same thing happened with WoW and why there are so many "WoW clones".

EDIT: *high fives Stig*
Except the majority of gamers like COD as much as he does. But everyone knows the majority of people are shitheads.
This kind of things happen all the time ever since the the start of gaming and will of course continue happening for ever - This is fine to an extent but it seems to just happen far to much. People copy rather then come up with something new and interesting then people get bored of doing the same thing in every game they play and the cycle finishes some day with a franchise dying from slumped sales when finaly something new comes on. Franchise Fatigue...

Some examples:
Rock Band - Rocky beat games (sales have slumped big time)
Gears of War - Cover system
Halo - Regen Health
CoD - Perks / XP
WoW - Tons of games now copy the system to be the next big MMO

Some of these games are still going but I'm sure sales are not as big as they once where and last I heard WoW subs where going down hill.
It would appear by the logic of some posters here, and excuse the strawman, that Michael Bay flicks somehow tarnish the integrity of cinema. Don't masterpieces need their supposed knuckle-dragging cousins as pieces to pride themselves over?
It would appear by the logic of some posters here, and excuse the strawman, that Michael Bay flicks somehow tarnish the dignity of cinema. Don't masterpieces need their supposed knuckle-dragging cousins as pieces to pride themselves over?
No, they don't.
I'd hate to live in a world so perfect.

To Kill a Mockingbird would be just as fantastic if Transformers 2 did not exist.

However, I do believe I would be a better person for never having watched that movie. But that's too far gone now.
Quite the two to compare, haha. I did a little mental jogging to try to side-by-side them. Jesus.

Two texts so vastly distanced from each other in pop-culture. Bravo. I like my game porn and my taboid-esque game's "journalism". I don't know, I guess I don't want to consume what is stereotypically "smart" media and conversation all the time. In my own experience it subtracts from the beauty and awe of the truly profound if I attempt to remove all the media/'text' porn (In the Derridean sense).
It would appear by the logic of some posters here, and excuse the strawman, that Michael Bay flicks somehow tarnish the integrity of cinema. Don't masterpieces need their supposed knuckle-dragging cousins as pieces to pride themselves over?

Well, if you ask me, the integrity of cinema in general has be thoroughly dragged through shit for a very long time now. There are only a handful of worthwhile things going on in mainstream cinema at the moment, and I've never felt that independent films have really found the strong niche that independent music has or independent games are currently discovering. The state of cinema today is a fate I hope the games industry avoids.
Cod is like spending $20 at Mc Donalds on yourself it's fun for a while.It's certainly no Ruth's Criss steakhouse but still fun!
You get tired of it after a while obviously
Actual gameplay.

Yeah no it is literally Modern Warfare 2 with more stuff. I mean if that's your bag then more power to you, but also more power to Activision, haha!
Literally every post in this thread where someone said "haha" is shit.

Just like CoD
Cod is like spending $20 at Mc Donalds on yourself it's fun for a while.It's certainly no Ruth's Criss steakhouse but still fun!
You get tired of it after a while obviously
I never get tired of McDonalds but yeah.
Well the trailer I had was already posted, here is something else.

that isn't a new trailer, pretty sure it's been posted in this thread already

i think the game is looking woeful, personally.
that isn't a new trailer, pretty sure it's been posted in this thread already

i think the game is looking woeful, personally.

Wow, 5 posts above mine. Carry on chaps.
it happens to the best of us. i usually hate being that guy who has to say something obnoxious like ''old'' or ''use search'', but yeah... five posts :P
it happens to the best of us. i usually hate being that guy who has to say something obnoxious like ''old'' or ''use search'', but yeah... five posts :P

All good, now it's something else that hasn't been posted (I think.)
It looks like even mooooooooore of the same. Run around holding down shoot and getting pissed at dying over and over again from gayass perks.

No thanks.
It looks like even mooooooooore of the same. Run around holding down shoot and getting pissed at dying over and over again from gayass perks.

No thanks.

The addition of "gayass" perks does sound appealing, though. I only like gayass perks.

Talk about reinforcing stereotypes. If the joke about Call of Duty players subsisting on Mountain Dew and Doritos isn't already true, this will probably make it so.
I laughed out loud. Keep doing what you're doing, Activision. Sooner or later people will twig onto what a bunch of evil scum****s you are.
I loled...then I cried cuz I'll be buying Mountain Dew and Chips on the way home from the Midnight Opening of the Game.
I played Black Ops online with my housemate on his PS3 the other day. Bad Company 2 with a keyboard and mouse felt incredible after that nightmare. First person shooters and consoles really don't mix. At the least, they should do like on the Dreamcast and use a keyboard and mouse for them. Or create a controller with a trackball on it instead of an analogue stick.
CoD games are the only shooters I can stand to play on a controller. Once you're used to it they actually control like a dream. Just gotta get to a point where you can make small aiming adjustments while having sensitivity on high or above for sudden movements.
Aaaahahaha, oh holy shit this looks completely ridiculous. Yeah, this trailer just solidified it as a rental, I can't not play this campaign.

I feel like I need to do some drugs before I watch this trailer, to really get the full effect of the ridiculousness I'm expecting.