MW3 MP trailer

They got explosions and abseiling and kicking people. **** YEAH
isnt that the battlefield3 theme? the "tum! tum! tum! brzzrrzrzrzr!"?
That looks completely awesome and I'm not embarassed to admit it. I for one applaud Modern Warfare for abandoning all pretenses at realism and letting me star in my own personal action film. It seems that I love it for the same reason others mock it. I do not need every game I play to be a staggering masterpiece of artistic genius like Shadow of the Colossus.

Let me put it this way: Yeah, we all try to eat healthily, but sometimes you just want - nay, need - a mess of greasy fries and a big juicy burger slathered in ketchup and mayo.
Let me put it this way: Yeah, we all try to eat healthily, but sometimes you just want - nay, need - a mess of greasy fries and a big juicy burger slathered in ketchup and mayo.

Yes, but if you eat this every day you're bound to die.
The trouble is, they're barely even games anymore, more like an interactive movie. They're so on rails it's laughable.
Yeah, that shit doesn't interest me any more than some dumb action flick.

At least half life games keep the combat fresh, and have interesting environments and art design, and a plot that isn't a dumb action movie plot.