Mx Logitech mice.


Companion Cube
Jul 4, 2004
Reaction score
This isnt a complaint nor flame just simply something i was getting worried about.

My 1st mx 300 worked very well for a few months. Then it started to do werid things. Like start freezing up on my screen for a split sec. Then it did it for longer a week later. After that i started to observe my mouse more closly. I noticed sometimes when it would freeze up the red light DIDNT go off. Later on it started shuting off for like 5-6 secs. I was like ok wth? After that it started to COMPLETELY shut off (red light would go off) After that started to happen only way to make it work again was to unplug it and plug it back in. It got so bad i had to go get a new mouse.

I got another Mx300 (I like the mouse a lot) Iv been useing it for like 3+ months and just NOW it started to freeze up for half a sec to 1 sec. Maybe it was a dust in the lazer room but im getting scared. Same thing happened to my friend.

He bought like 3 mx300's lol. Do these mice have a short life span or are me and my friend just useing them to much?

Is anyone else haveing this problem? Or is it just me and my friend :/

i have the MX500 version and have had it for about a year.
usually a mouse lasts about 2 years for me.. maybe 1.5 but yeah definitely after that i notice i need a new mouse.

i guess it does depend on how much u game.. and whats ur playing style.. i have a friend who isn't too kind to his mouse and keyboard.. the keyboard's wrist protector has a small crack on one side because of his banging on it during game play :p

anyway wish i could help but if ur mouse completely stops working.. try the MX500 instead.. might last longer :)
I game for very long times. I also drag my mouse a lot. Drag shots etc. Thats all tho i dont bang or throw my mouse.
Raziel-Jcd said:
I game for very long times. I also drag my mouse a lot. Drag shots etc. Thats all tho i dont bang or throw my mouse.

well i am guess the more u use it, the more u wear it ur theory on the laser part being dirty isn't too far fetched either..
but anyway try the MX500 or perhaps another brand if u think ur jinx'ed with a particular model or brand.. :E
I have an MX 700, had it for 8 months now. Not had a single issue (not that it helps your situation, just saying :p)
Shuzer said:
I have an MX 700, had it for 8 months now. Not had a single issue (not that it helps your situation, just saying :p)

Ya your 2nd person to say MX 700 is good. dunno i might go with 510 or dunno. eh
I know alot of people hate microsoft because they are in cahoots with satan, but hear me out. I got a microsoft intellimouse optical and it has lasted for a good 2-3 years now and I'd say I definately fall under the "heavy user" category. It works great and having 5 buttons is more useful than you might think. And like the guy above me said, I never throw my mice, tho sometimes the cat pisses me off.
I had an mx300 for about 6months, no problems with it, then I got my mx900 and i've had it since christmas. And no problems what so ever. And my mx300 still works fine too! I've also got a logitech dual optical mouse on my second computer, and it is still working too!
I've had my MX510 (blue, of course) for a few months now and it's the pwnage. Not a single problem. I recommend it.
Dunno. Its werid that 2 of my mice would go out like this. My friend has the same problem. Maybe its something near the mouse? What might effect mice after some time?
Ok its getting worse just like my 1st mouse. This is the mesg im starting to get.

Same thing happened with 1st mouse.

I dont think its my usp. How does it work for 3+ months then magically start to screw up?

What effects a mouse? Maybe my comp just likes to kill my mice after 3 months.
Do you have it plugged into the top USB port? Just try plugging it into one of the other paired ports below.

Have you tried that before? Do you have USB2.0 or just 1.1?
Shuzer said:
I have an MX 700, had it for 8 months now. Not had a single issue (not that it helps your situation, just saying :p)

I've had the one mx700 on this pc for about 2 years now, and the battery life is getting bad :-P I mean I could play games for several hours+browsing the internet, but it just doesn't last as much as when I got it :-P
Well, get new batteries. They decrease how long they hold a charge over time with use.
My MX700 is still going strong but the batteries they come with are NiMH with a 1700mAh rating. Grab some nice 2300mAh batteries and you'll be good to go for a while. ;)
Asus said:
Do you have it plugged into the top USB port? Just try plugging it into one of the other paired ports below.

Have you tried that before? Do you have USB2.0 or just 1.1?

Yes iv tryed the other ports.

Remember both mice worked for about 3 months.
Asus said:
Grab some nice 2300mAh batteries and you'll be good to go for a while. ;)

Screw that! Nuclear generator attached to my mouseh!! :naughty:
Do you guys know what effects mice? Like speakers maybe etc?
Does anyone rember how long the mx1000 was supposed to last after one recharge? I read about it somewhere and it was a huge amount of time but I forgot.