My 2 cents.

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You know... correct me if i'm wrong here, but the main problem i see with most people completely new to mapping is that they start from step #15 and skip all the inbetween.

They build their map room to room, completing as much detail in a room before moving on to the next.....

Personally, just from what i've learned, through school, and otherwise... I find the best way to make a successfully playable *fun* map... is to start from Step #1 which should always be your Layout. Plan what kind of map your going to make, and how it's going to be layed out. no one is going to want to play a map with 5 rooms of complete and total chaos... "damn these rooms sure do look good... but you only have to do one thing to ensure your Weapon_XXX and camp." You get my point?

That's my rant for the night. /LATER
i "get your point" and i agree many people do map like this without even thinking about gameplay. but wtf is the point in making a thread to say that people do this. also no one could correct you if you were wrong because its such a generalised comment. i think this thread needs to be flamed hard and fast.
flame it man burn die die and be forgotton LOL im propo onw of those ppl u talk about :sniper: :monkee:
Some experienced mappers do map room to room or area to area completing all of the detail, sometimes without a layout in mind at all. Whether those maps are fun or not, it's usually hit or miss.
It is true that planned layouts have a better chance turning out well, but it's not always the case.
crackhead said:
i "get your point" and i agree many people do map like this without even thinking about gameplay. but wtf is the point in making a thread to say that people do this. also no one could correct you if you were wrong because its such a generalised comment. i think this thread needs to be flamed hard and fast.

I think you should die.
lol this reli is quite funny. shoot the afro smiley.LOL :sniper: :afro:
:sniper: :monkee:
crackhead: consider this a warning - you won't get another one.
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