My 9600Pro


Aug 4, 2003
Reaction score
Well I installed my 9600Pro about 2 days ago..
And tehre's like tons of options.. Aniso, AA and all that.

I just would like to know what options would be best for me to have pretty decent lookin' AND not laggy in most games for my comp.

My comp:
P4 1.8GHz
Sapphire Radeon 9600 Atlantis Pro 128DDram.
motherboard supports only 4x agp

Now I got on 2x AA and 8x Aniso on both opengl and direct3d

And I tried to overclock it with Powerstrip, lol. I started to get some green crap on my screen so I had to put it back to what it was.

core: 398
memory: 297

Edit: Added my current settings.
your core is very high, be careful. The core on my 9800 is only at 380. As for settings, well welcome to the world of continual tweaking. There are no set rules, its a case of balancing for every game. You'll hardly notice in-game the difference between 2x and 4x AA or 8x or 16x AF. I have my 9800np set to 2x AA and 8 x AF, don't see the point in going any higher. If my screen res was higher maybe i would AA more but I only play at 1024x768 so all looks great already.
ok thanks but

That's the original settings, un clocked.

so if I wanna overclock, I should lower my core?

*never overclocked before in my life*
Alright, now I got my facts straight. Your core speed is standard 400mhz, but it can be overclocked, Mine is at 460Mhz, but if you want it can be pushed forward, I just don't want my card to burn out.

Generally memory clocks less than the core but on a 9600pro it can be overclocked, personally I have mine clocked 50mhz higher than standard, which is effectively 100mhz on DDR ram. If you start getting shit on your screen quickly tone it back down.

So basically, set your core to 450MHZ and Memory to 660Mhz and see if anything goes wrong, it should be stable. Tinker from there.
Well, I tried to clock it to 400/300 and that's when I got that green shit on my screen.

I guess my comp is too hot.
And I don't have any table fan to try it out.
Wow thats bizarre, 400/300 are just standard speeds it shouldn't screw up at all. Try clocking just your core and see if still screws up.
Just leave it as is. Generally, all graphics quality settings (texture preference, mipmap level) should be left at high, Wait for VSync should be on unless benchmarking, and TruForm may as well be application preference.

AA smooths out the edges of models so you don't get those "jaggys", or jagged surfaces. AF smooths out textures, and is especially noticeable in FPS's. These two you can play around with to get a good performance:image quality ratio, and they are basically up to personal preference. Just know that some games may require you to turn them down, especially, I would assume, HL2.