my beautiful upgrade

OH GOD NO!!! The aquarius 2 got terrible reviews, the zalman 7000-Cu will cool several degrees cooler. People had a lot of leaks and had to mod it in order to work.
heh, yeah, about 30 minutes after i posted that i changed my mind. i'm buying a much better quality liquid cooling system.
I personally wouldnt get water cooling. Too many accidents happen with it. Theres always leaks and crap. I would constantly be worrying that it will spring a leak at any given moment. Just get a zalman 7000-Cu and youll be fine, trust me. The 3.0C isnt even a good OCer man, you dont need any water cooling when not OCing. I bet you get it at 3.4ghz with anything, except for vapochill. Anything higher on a 3.0C wouldnt be stable.
Igneri's right. Don't waste your money. The Xaser III fan's are more than what you need. Think about it, doesn't matter if they were 10cfm, there's SEVEN of them. And they aren't, I hear they're each around 30cfm, and with 7 that's a goddamn nice ass air flow. I'll tell you in a few days when my Xaser III arrives.
yeah, they are 37cfm at 30dB each. should be pretty nice. i'm still looking over pros/cons of water vs a zalman or something. i'm also getting the sapphire radeon 9800pro ultimate, which has a gargantuan heatsink. with the combined power of that huge chunk of metal and the 7 fans, i will overclock my radeon 9800pro to beautiful speeds :D

i'll find the best gfx card/processor/heat ratio (as far as oc'ing goes) that works for me, and stick with that. sure, i can't get much over 3.4ghz, but 3.4 is better than 3.0 :D probably about a 8-10fps difference.

i'll be one of the few that runs half-life 2 at 150fps :D
3.4 isn't actually altogehter better. Your better off going to 1000mhz fsb instead of the xtra 400mhz.