My best friend might be pregnant...

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Jun 22, 2006
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She recently had sex (not sure if it was protected or not), has had weird mood swings lately (and by weird I mean, by the second.), and told me today she's three days late on her period. What are the odds of her actually being pregnant?

And to answer any further questions, no, I'm not da babeh daddeh.
Wtf is a babeh daddeh?

Btw, are you the baby's daddy?
Chances are probably very high.

How old is she? If she's still in the throes of puberty, her period can come in early, late, etc.

Push her down the stairs.
ROFL, you owe me half a glass of water :D
Actually, yeah, 3 days? I'd give it 270, myself, before I make any wild, baseless claims.
well periods are accurate down to the minute...or the day.

I had a friend who used a condom, birth control, and the rhythm method. Now they have a 1yr old baby boy. That baby went around two 99.9% barriers then around a like 15% barrier to get to that egg, that's what you call determination.
Have her take a pregnancy test.

also... pics of said friend.....

then call the Maury Show.
Like trying to freaking break out of alcatraz :/
Theres only one Clint Eastwood, lets be realistic!

If you think theres any possibility she could be pregnant, despite how long it's been, she should take a test. It's not something to dawdle about with, it's a very serious thing.
Wow, you guys fail if you don't get Qon's pic.

Anyway, have her take a pregnancy test.
Mmm coat-hanger aborted fetuses for breakfast...

Again, have her take a pregnancy test... or she'll drive herself (and everyone around) mad worrying about it.
punch her in the stomach ..if she says "wtf are you doing? I'm pregnant, idiot" then you know she is

jumping to conclusions FTW

Funny story, one day I was riding with some friends in another friend's car, when suddenly we pass by this laundry mat with a big coat hanger sign, and on friend shouts "Hey look! An abortion clinic!"
Ennui is a girl!?

No, I gave Ennui aids, remember?

But seriously (that joke wasn't funny anyway), I've never met Ennui in real life. He's too lazy to drive to Raleigh, I'm too lazy to get my liscense, so yeah, it's a vicious cycle.
Heh. I've never met Dreadlord or Lucid, and I live about 15 and 50 minutes from them, respectively.
I've never met anybody from these forums, and I intend to keep it that way. TheSomeone might be stalking me, however.
She wouldn't be having mood swings yet. She must just be bitchy. Actually the fact that she's having mood swings should just tell you her periods not far off
I haven't met Que-Ever, but his mom was really nice.

*falls down long tube*
Despite popular belief, periods can be off by days or even weeks. They are not always clockwork. Happens to my girlfriend all the time... it freaks us out too haha.
I may be in the same position as thread starter... and I'm 15. -_-
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