My blog.


May 15, 2003
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I've started a blog a few weeks ago at If anyone's interested that is.

This is my first blog, and I'm still a noob at it :P Is there anyone else who has a blog that could share some tips n stuff? It's hosted on my own server so I've got complete controll over it.
Wow, this thread has gotten into a very positive start.
Still haven't seen any direct insults.

"You have no life!"

Such as that.

1. Post stuff people will be interested in.
2. Post stuff people wont be interested in too.
3. The more contempt you show for the rest of humanity and the world in general, the more realistic and intelligent people will think you are. :E
MaxiKana said:
Wow, this thread has gotten into a very positive start.
why do you need a blog if you have friends, i mean, blogs are basically up for friends and such, but really, why not actually talk to them, and if it's not up for friends, well, then you love yourself too much
Icarusintel said:
why do you need a blog if you have friends, i mean, blogs are basically up for friends and such, but really, why not actually talk to them, and if it's not up for friends, well, then you love yourself too much
Maybe he wants to leave the world a little better than he found it. :E
Hey tell me how you set your blog up, I'm planning to start one too, I have my own domain so I'm not using blogspot or whatever so it'll be tough...
jabberwock95 said:
Maybe he wants to leave the world a little better than he found it. :E
i'm already practicing that... by shitting in the toilet and not outside:D
and i don;t need no stinking blog to help me with that
JellyWorld said:
Hey tell me how you set your blog up, I'm planning to start one too, I have my own domain so I'm not using blogspot or whatever so it'll be tough...
I do too, figure out what client you want to use first... I've been blogging for like three years.

Wordpress is best, follow the instructions to install.
Icarusintel said:
i'm already practicing that... by shitting in the toilet and not outside:D
and i don;t need no stinking blog to help me with that
And how exactly does that leave the world better than you found it? Admittedly, you are helping keep toilet paper manufacturers and sewage workers in business. :p
Still haven't seen any direct insults.

"You have no life!"

Such as that.

MaxiKana - Do you think that vegeta897 is an insufferable tosser?

See, that was an indirect insult because I wasn't talking to you, vegeta897. I was merely asking if he shared my view that you have a habit of being an insufferable tosser. That also was not a direct insult, because I was merely expressing a view that you have a habit of being an insufferable tosser (ok, I might be stretching it a little bit there).

Now, we could dance around swapping indirect insults all day, but where would be the fun in that? You, vegeta897, are an insufferable tosser. There, a direct insult.

Now, having seen a fair few of Maxi's photos I'm of the opinion that he's a good photographer, who lives in a stunning part of the world. I would be interested in seeing more of his photos, and see anything that allows me to do so as a good thing.
And the Award for the most use of the phrase 'insufferable tosser' in one post goes to Zerimsky! :E

You clearly didn't understand my post.

Edit: Do ANY of you EVER see me slinging insults? Perhaps you don't care enough to notice. That's fine with me. Look who is talking, really. Calling me a tosser, and others making fun of my name. Can you say contradiction?

If I need to explain what I meant in my supposedly insulting post, just ask.
I'm sorry, are you trying to claim that there was something to your post other than snide remarks and thinly veiled insults?
I was just trying to get the guy's spirits up by indicating that no direct insults SUCH AS that have been said. It's amazing how some people can disregard an entire sentence.

I don't know why you suddenly came out of the blue with a full blown ownage post like that. Did I say the magic word or something?
Ah, so vegeta agrees that he was absolutely blown away.
Why are you guys still on my ass. Can you leave me alone? FFS maybe if I outbreak and go all moderating crazy like I did A YEAR AGO then you can flame me. But for now if you just have the URGE to be childish, keep it in a private message or something, so I can safely ignore it.
I don't know how happy my informer would be if this post stayed so I edited it.
vegeta897 said:
Why are you guys still on my ass. Can you leave me alone? FFS maybe if I outbreak and go all moderating crazy like I did A YEAR AGO then you can flame me. But for now if you just have the URGE to be childish, keep it in a private message or something, so I can safely ignore it.
You just proved us right - right in that post.
Focus mainly on a photo blog (no pun intended), I really like your photos and they are more interesting than someone's thoughts on something you don't really give two shits about :)
ray_MAN said:
You just proved us right - right in that post.
Yes, because I am absolutlely a mod wannabe. If you are still going to believe that after countless attempts by me to prove you wrong, honestly, find something better to do.

And another thing, Zerim, since you seem to be the only one who has a valid argument, you should know I have nothing against Maxikana, if you look in his photo thread in the art forum you will see I 100% respect him and his ability to take wonderful pictures.
Let's examine the posts I have a problem with, shall we?

/me looks for Maddox's Blog article
Now, everyone knows that Maddox hates everything. That's what he's famous for. So by wanting to link that article here, in this context, we can assume that you agree (at least in part) with the article. And as that article is insulting towards blogs and bloggers, it's an indirect insult.

And then we have the post that I originally quoted. Now, this is the equivalent of waving your hand half an inch in front of someones face and saying "What, what am I doing? I'm not touching you!" when they get annoyed. You're saying that there's not been any "direct" insults and thus you can carry on as normal. You can claim that you were trying to "cheer him up" if you like, but if that was the case your command of the english language is somewhat misguided.

And the reason I came out of the blue like that was because I've simply had enough. I've had enough of you poncing around these forums acting superior for some God-only-knows reason. So feel free to ignore me if you like, it's really of no consequence to me.

And I'm glad you like Maxi's photography, otherwise I might just have to completely fly off the spare handle that I keep handy, for emergencies.
Jesus Christ you sure know how to take an innocent jab and blow it out of proportion. If it offends you that much then SORRY, I didn't mean to hurt your feelings. And why the hell do you care? How about you let Maxikana form his own opinion, because what I said has NOTHING to do with you.

What's this superior thing all about? You think I act superior? How is that?

I know I used to act like that. But can't a guy improve? I haven't done anything "superior" in a while. Isn't that what you want? Or do you like having someone to beat up everytime you get angry at something.
Maddox hates blogs! And bloggers! And blogging! And Blogethons! And...
My name is Maximus Samonus masterofallness, commander of the Armies of respectful members, General of the Kirov legions, loyal servant to the true emperor, Mechagodzilla. Member of a silly forum, sick of winging noobs. And I will have my vengeance, in this account or the next

vegeta897 said:
How about you let Maxikana form his own opinion, because what I said has NOTHING to do with you.

Z got sick of what you have been saying, this has nothing to do with Maxikana, he blatantly stated hes sick of what you've been saying.
Well then can you tell him to PM it next time? So a flame war doesn't ruin someone's thread?

And by the way, I'm glad you decided to tell me some real info this time disturbed, instead of something childish again.
I think we all got sick of what Vegeta's been saying...
I guess I need to work on giving my posts more of a joking flavor, because you should know I don't hold any grudges against anyone, and am not about to start one because of a mistake they make. You want to complain about being sick of what others say? Well I'm sick of you guys making fun of my name. You have to hold your end of the deal. You seem to have a problem with that, as indicated in the past.

Sometimes you guys seem really friendly when I get lucky enough to talk to you on MSN. I guess I tried to impress you by acting the way I did. You see I don't think my self as superior. I see you guys as far more superior than I'll ever be. I can't fit in not doing anything. I'm boring and I have no wit to play along with you guys.

And if you still think the same about me... An ass wouldn't be trying to apologize.