my cartoon drawings of...


Aug 1, 2003
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Fun stuff, man.

Just curious...what is off to the lower right that draws Alyx's and Gorden's attention? :P

EDIT: They're looking at your signature! :eek:
mmmmm not to shaby.... i dont quite know whats going on with Alyx's head but hey Gordons ok.... o and btw the last link dosnt work.


EDIT: oki nm the link works now.... that aint bad... the head is ****en huge though :P
gorden looking at "GAME OF DECADE"

alyx looking at MY NAME.

soz about her head. i know it looked a bit wierd, but hay thought i would share them.

Gorden got tired of his glass's always on if u ask why....

the pic of me, well i know the head looks big, me art teachers like tell you "first draw the circle, half way down draw the eyes, then half again for the mouth AND SO ON so that is why! lol
Very nice.

But you should change the eyes from manga/anime to real... if you ask me then.
But they are very nice… good job! :thumbs:
manga? i don't copy from manga at all. i jus draw cartoon eyes like that.

if it was a real drawing it would be drawing real eyes :)

thanks man... i will draw a cartoon pic of G-man? or a quick comic. or something for a laugh.
They are... uh... too big. Aren’t they to be called anime/manga (whatever) then? :)

Yeah, you should draw G-Man.
i know that is how i draw cartoons :) he he

ok i will draw g-man and put it on here 2night
Good pictures, brought a smile to my face. Maybe draw barney?
I'm sorry I'm saying this, but its a joke ok....ok....remember its a joke, I dont really mean it ok ?, its a joke.....remember a joke.


I had to say it, before some perv said it :laugh:

ok i will draw some pics.

(((anyone wanna give me a quick story board and i will draw it for a laugh.)))

I will draw barney, BUT i never actually played BLUE SHIFT, cause alot were saying it was like not worth it 4-5hrs play?
I loved Blue shift personally, but all you have to do is get the box art, or look on the 600mb E3 video, and he's the one in the blue uniform with you when your fighting in the streets.

Gordon, Alyx and the G man are sitting down having a tea break or something, and there talking about working on Half-Life 2, like there actors in a real life film.

Gordon: 'So Gabe finally goes public with Half-Life 2, as an actor, I found it hard to not tell my adoring public about my latest project. My fan club thought I'd died due to no infromation on what I was doing. It was like I didnt even exist!'

G man: 'You think thats bad, everyone thinks I'm this bad man, who never changes his clothes! I like suits, there comfortable, and I always have clothes that match'

Alyx: 'Yer, well I'm the new person on the team, I've got alot to look up to thanks to you two and Half-Life! all I ever see is people wanting to see me naked, or going on about how I fixed my Jacket with cellotape!'

Gabe walks upto the table 'Hey Gordon and Alyx, could you do the blue snake things in the sewer scene again?'

You could end it there if you wanted. I dont know, that could be too much speech, but hey, just an idea, dont have to use it:)
ooo good idea man. i will do that. i mean all i need is to draw 3-4 boards. sketches take me like seconds
Nice, we could send it to Gabe himself, see if he likes them? lol
nice nice, although Alyx looks like Micheal Jackson
and the pic of you ... scares me
when I look at that pic I see a crazed man on Peyote or some hallucigenic drug coming to gnaw off my feet
Do you know whats worse.....HE'S BEHIND YOU!!!!!!!

No I'm you looked tho didnt you:cheese:

I like his self-portrait, better then what I could do
lmao, thats brilliant! the way he runs away afterwards, great ^.^
lol thanks man. i will make more stick ones and prob end up making like a cartoon one (like the cartoon pic u saw of good ol freeman :) he he)

thanks jus been too annoyed with waiting for this 7th vid, so i thought.
1) draw some pics.
i can draw men, but need work on women.
2) make a animation quick lol
lol the animation ow|\|z :)
it makes me want to play hl2
now I cry
/me cries
Originally posted by Loke
They are... uh... too big. Aren’t they to be called anime/manga (whatever) then? :)

Yeah, you should draw G-Man.

Hehe, those aren't anime eyes. Maybe some manga but not generally.
They look kind of like the Walt Disney character eyes on some of the cartoons.

Funny stuff though. Keep it up!

na i jus made up the eyes. lol they do look like manga though hmm.

SOZ i knew it was Gordon, DAM IT WHOOPS.

yea i am gonna do more animation stick men and more pics :)

jus to by time for the game release. so u ppl will get BINK VIDS and my stick men animations! LOL LOL
I'm looking forward to the Bink and the stick men, and any other pictures you have!:) lol
lol well i thank you. man we must be all
1) bored
2) counting MINUTES DOWN for the game to arrive.
3) loving everything to do with hl2, whether bink or stick men! lol
I'm very bored, and waiting, I only signed up today, and look at how many posts I've made in one day.......ah yes, I missed being a member of a forum!
Hey, wtf, did I post? Oh,I didn't. Anyways, I just wanted to say, nice pics, but they look like Anime...
We know its wait gardon.....jordon? Gobon? Gzaban? wait........Gordon! there yay:D

Sorry had to be done
cause i said gordEn.

soz jus a simple mistake. whoops i did mean gordOOOOOn lol soz.

yea they do look like anime whoops o well :)
Just because you said Gorden by accident, Subs dosn't have to correct at unnecessary times.
yea o well man. don't woz he can say wat he wants, i mean everyone knows i can dam well spell GORDON cause i am on a HL2 forum to do with half-life2 so i should know how to spell it and i do i didn't get a B,B for me gcse's for nout. lol

aww well
I think I'll try this out and make my own versions.... Looks like it would be fun.
yea do snowball. more ppl doing it, well funnyer it will become! :)

and make us all happy and jus hold on for that lil bit longer or waitin
Very nice pics commando. :thumbs:

I actually drew the G-Man a couple of days ago (not cartoon like), it turned out okay, but I only had a crappy HB pencil to work with so the shading's just plain awful. If I can find the scanner I'll post it :P