My CCFL kit dead?


Party Escort Bot
Dec 2, 2004
Reaction score
I came home the other day and turned on my pc. No other lights in my room were on, and I noticed that the shine from my CCFL's was significantly dimmer. I got out of my chair and looked at them and noticed that only half of each (I have two on one inverter) cold cathode is shinning.

So I tried moving it to every possible molex in my case, I even tried moving it to the one at the back of my PSU, same thing. I tried putting a molex on both ends of the connector (it's double ended so you could pass the connection through) and same thing.

So I ask you, is my CCFL kit dead? I purchased it less than a month ago, and the manual stated that it would last 5,000 hours. It looks exactly like the ones made by frozencpu, accept mine was marketed by a company called Bulldog. I know that this company markets other products like Thermaltake Smartfans and AS5 under their own label, so I figured that this CCFL kit was just a frozencpu one relabled, since I read that frozencpu sells their kits to companies like Antec and such.
I've had a bad CCL before. My other set dimmed and then died after some good use.

It happens, they arn't really made to last like a light bulb. ;)
Asus said:
I've had a bad CCL before. My other set dimmed and then died after some good use.

It happens, they arn't really made to last like a light bulb. ;)

Oh well, too bad.

Looks like i'll be getting a new one, this time from though.

Damn, it's ashame. Those things really looked kickass in my case (sig).