My comp runs terrible on levels like dust... v_v


Apr 26, 2005
Reaction score
how come? like, if i turn kinda fast, or just turn it'll start chugging horibbly or, if i'm running along it'll start getting really laggy and'll drop to less than 10 fps, by the way, i run all the other levels just fine...
thats odd, my comp runs dust and dust2 better than any other maps

whats ur spec?
you play with AA?
I noticed lately that when I set AA to 4, and i turn around real fast, that my computer freezes for a moment. Just enough to really annoy me.

I have fps problems too, but I think it's my cpu. no matter how low I set the graphics (even some command to have uber crappy textures), I still have the same, low fps.
AMD 2500+ (overclocked a little)
1gb ddr400
gf 6800 128 mb
Th30N3Cr0wbar said:
P4 3.2 gig
1 gig of ram
you have more RAM than me and your processor is 'faster' yet I get 100+ FPS on dust, and average at 50/60 on all other maps. Weird.
Try turning off the AA, this happened to me, I was running it with 4xAA and it was slowing down terribly. I put it on 2xAA and 2xAF and its fine now.
Source slows the hell down with Antialiasing and anisotropy.

MoonQuake said:
Source slows the hell down with Antialiasing and anisotropy.

Not here, I lose like 1 or 2 fps (on 50) when I set AF to 8 instead of trilinair. Yet I don't, I have everything on low (except shadows, they can be pretty usefull) to exclude any slow down of my graphics card. I get about the same fps when i have everything on low, and when I have everything on high...
The Brick said:
Not here, I lose like 1 or 2 fps (on 50) when I set AF to 8 instead of trilinair. Yet I don't, I have everything on low (except shadows, they can be pretty usefull) to exclude any slow down of my graphics card. I get about the same fps when i have everything on low, and when I have everything on high...

Why would you turn on AF when you have your other settings on low. Seems pointless to me.
Wow, me too man, I get HUGE lag on the Dusts. I even made a post about it here too but no one knew...