My Computer and HL2



Do you people think my computer will run this game with many of the nicer graphical options? I consider myself computer savy enough and i have read most of the official information on the game to the point where i thought i wouldnt need to ask this question but then i started to wonder. OK so here is the deal:

2.0Ghz P4
512 Ram
30gig HDD <-- irrelevant because i have 11 or so gigs free

Now here is the problem piece

Radeon 9000 MOBILITY 64MB

Yes...mobility...i have a laptop...and a nice one at that..but i have run into games that do not like to run on laptop systems sometimes. Also, i cant get driver updates as often as desktops because ATI will not release updates for mobility products (for laptop owners to download at will that is) but rather they leave that up to the laptop manufacturer (which are few and far between from what i have seen). My laptop runs Half-Life like a dream but that is an older game so i expected no issues.

So what do people think?

Oh, and This is my first post so "Hi" to all and i am sorry if this is not in the proper forum section. Thanks.
My experiance with gaming on laptops aren't nice at all..
Can you upgrade a laptop with a new gfx card?
Unfortunately no. Dell laptops are the closest i have seen to the ability on a laptop because form one of their series you could actually swap out the video module....but i havent really ever seen a laptop with this sort of upgradeablity.

my laptop is wonderful and it is a pretty good gaming laptop...but lack of usual support worries me for the games i really want to play.