My cpu is at 52 degrees idle


May 23, 2004
Reaction score
After switching my mobo and psu, cpu heat has gone from 34c to 52c(after the switch). I have opened up computer and saw that the cpu fan is working and sitting as it should so no problems with the fan. But now I'm worried that its because of my new psu which is Hiper 525w thats causing this.

Could it be because of my psu?
No. The heatsink isn't on properly, or you haven't put any thermal paste on, or you've put too little of it or too much.
You don't mention what cpu you have. I have a P4 that runs about 50-ish and I'm not concerned in the slightest.
my barton 2800 idles at 47-49 C with stock heatsink and fan
nothing to worry about
(not overclocked btw)
unless your comp is crashing because of hardware overheating, there's nothing to worry about, 52 is fine
If it was 30's and now 50's you probably didn't reapply the heatsink correctly.

Did you remove the pad or compound that was on there and apply more compound? Don't reuse the old as it won't settle right now.
I have just transfered my cpu from my old mobo to my new one and I nothing more. But where can I buy this "AS-5" or something like that?
arctic silver 5 thermal compound. froogle it or check pc hardware stores that you visit
I would really look for Arctic Silver Ceramique as it is non-conductive. If you make a mistake it won't fry your chip. It's similar to Arctic Silver 5 for how well it performs.
You know, I'd Def look for a bios update for mobo. Your Temp sensor could be off.

As for artic silver, its not conductive, but has capitance, like a capictor, not worse, not better :D

Is ceramique like a glue? I've never used it, i'm an arctic silver 5 man.
Oh and my computer Idles at 39 at night, and 54 during the day.

How hot is the room its in? ambient tempature can play a big part in cooling.