My Deus Ex: Invisible War review


Aug 14, 2003
Reaction score
I got Deus Ex Invisible War yesterday for Christmas and these are my impressions on it so far.

Deus Ex: Invisible War

The story is amazing. I would tell you some of the story that would spoil some of the game. All I can tell you is, I am truly immersed. The graphics are pretty good, but can be better. Ion Storm took full advantage of the unreal engine to make this game. The lighting effects are top notch, can't get any better. The main focus on this game are the choices you can make and freedom you can choose to take advantage of. I am actually thinking more in this game, more than I think in mindless FPS games. The sound is top notch and the musical scores are excellent, though not as good as Deus Ex. The AI is borderline. While smart enough to try to get out of your line of fire on occasion, and stupid enough to not even fire sometimes. The HUD/interface is a new experience to most gamers. Don't worry though, there are many helpful tutorial screens that pop up through out the game giving you tidbits of information on the interface and other things.
Another plus to this game is the replayibility. There are so many easter eggs, or secrets in this game also. This quality is mostly due to the choices you can make in the game. There are multiple endings, from what I hear 5! Finally, the length of Invisible War is great. The initial game might take the average gamer 10 hours, but if you play it over to try different things and look for the secrets you have added about 15-20 solid more hours of game play!

The only thing keeping this game from a perfect score are the inexcusable graphical glitches. I am running this game on a Ti 4200 128mb, a card that ran Halo on 1600x1200 with full detail, and I am running this Deus Ex: Invisible War at 800x600 with full detail and I it plays like a strobe light show. Try to update your graphics card with the newest supported drivers and get the patch. These graphical glitches are definitely inexcusable and this show how the X-Box and hastiness can bring down a game.

Overall this game is great. Definitely worth the $50 bucks you are about to spend. You will find yourself playing this game for a while trying to uncover secrets and alternate endings. This is a game for the record books.

I have a Geforce FX 5200 Go on my laptop and the demo ran like awful. What's the point of fancy lighting effects and stuff if you can only run it in 640x480?
Do you have the latest drivers? That fixes stuff. And also for the full version, downloading the patch is a must.
The Full version isn't out in the UK yet. Which is really annoying.
Oh yeah forgot. Actually I didn't know you lived in the UK. Sorry/
I just got it yesterday too! I'd have to agree with you on everything you said. My only beef is that it could run better, but I still play it at 1024x768 full detail just because it looks so much better bumped up from 800x600, which runs perfect. (and this is just a Radeon 9600...)

Things like finding a specially modified pistol (infared light for hunting greasels instead of regular flashlight) is pretty sweet, and it seems you're always rewarded perfectly for anything that you decide to do.
If you played the demo and was disappointed like I was, disregard it. This game is amazing. The demo didn't show anything this game can do.
man don't get me started on this game. i had it imported from the US.

i'd give this game a total of 35%, it's nowhere near a classic status of 95%, what the hell are you smoking (and give me some of it) ?!?!

yeah the story is awesome, i'd give that 9/10, but the rest of it makes me want to cry. it's so completely idiot proof it hurts to play it anymore. i played it through the first time round in 8 hours, and i went through talking to everyone, reading the books etc and messing around with the physics. 8 hours for a Deus Ex game...not a good thing. i'd agree with you that the immersion is pretty good, but then there's the hardened Deus Ex gamer in me that just 'wakes up' after an hour of gameplay and says to me 'you know, this game is really just a piece of shit', and i think my internal voice is right on this occasion.

they've got so many things wrong that it's unbelievable they can even mention DX2 and the original in the same sentence. it's like they gave the game to Jon Romero and let him design the whole thing. it's useless, good for nothing apart from making a quick buck.

but of course you're entitled to your opinion and i'm glad you enjoyed it. after playing the whole game some people have actually liked it, especially with the patch installed. i, and most others, still find it to be just a little bit patronising for it to be a worthwhile gaming experience.

you can define a good game by saying to someone 'you are really missing something if you haven't played this game'. it's like HL, people who haven't played it are really missing out, same thing with System Shock 2 and the original Deus Ex. but with DX2, if you don't play it, you're not missing much.
It's a good/average game, but it just ain't Deus Ex.

Thats my verdict :)

I still might buy it, dunno.. my verdict was based on a demo
Badger the demo sucked. The full game is great. I am going to play some now.
Im not gonna reply to this thread cuz I havent played the demo or the game.. However I didnt really like the first one... I played it on a 450 mhz with TNT2 ultra though...

Oops I pressed Post :( sry :D
deus x 2 sucks would be good 3 years ago...pretty much because it runs and feels like it was made 3 years ago.
mrBadger said:
I still might buy it, dunno.. my verdict was based on a demo
And that is why Ion Storm and Eidos are going to lose a lot of sales. I have the full game, and its quite good, bar the horrendous technical issues.
clarky003 said:
8 Hours !? what the hell are 'you' smoking (and give me some of it) !?!?

it's a simple fact, i completed it in 8:12:42. you either choose to believe me or you don't. everyone plays their games at a different pace. i breezed through all the shooting parts, listened to all the conversations, read all the books, did pretty much all the quests on offer and explored each location, and it took me 8 hours. it's a tiny game, why claim it to take any longer. in truth, you can complete it a lot faster if you skip a lot of the conversations and just do the quests that drive the story and you avoid firefights or at least finish them off quickly. DX2 is more of a shooter than an RPG so it can be completed faster.
Dedalus said:
it's a simple fact, i completed it in 8:12:42.

Is that your actual play time (including deaths, etc.), or is that the time that the game logged?
I haven't played it but don't you think 95% is over the top? I mean that is the kind of score you would give to the original HL , only TOP TOP TOP games, and from the sounds of it this isn't a TOP game. I think 70-85ish would be more realistic
Seriously with the latest nvidia drivers and the patch the technical issue are gone. This is the best game I have played this year.
ZoomaCLW said:
Is that your actual play time (including deaths, etc.), or is that the time that the game logged?

lol yea...that's his time minus all the quick loads :\

i beat call of duty in like 10 hours on the hardest difficulty...if you subtract all the times i died and had to replay a part, i bet the time the game would've been like 4 hours. when i was done i decided to replay COD on the easiest difficulty. i died less than 5 took me about the 4 hours i assumed.
First off, I think it's obvious that Dedalus was on speed.

As for being the best game I've played this year... it's possible. It just gets better as I get further and further into the game. Going around beating robots with a nightstick (with the appropriate biomod that enhances melee attacks with EMP) is just plain cool. :)
It got 92% in PCGamer UK, which is the only magazine I trust tbh, so I think ray_MAN's right :)
Frankly, it's good from the perspective of an action game fan... but from the perspective of a big fan of the first Deus Ex they completely dumbed the gameplay down for the console gamers and ruined it.